Адиб, олим ва асосгузори адабиёти муосири тоҷик. Аввалин Президенти Академияи илмҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон. Муаллифи асарҳои «Таърихи амирони манғитияи Бухоро», «Таърихи инқилоби фикрӣ дар Бухоро», «Намунаи адабиёти тоҷик», «Дохунда»,...Муфассал
Олим, академики Академияи Илмҳои ИҶШС, арбоби ҳизбӣ ва давлатӣ, муаллифи китоби оламшумули «Тоҷикон» ва зиёда аз 300 асару мақолаҳо. Солҳои 1944-1946 котиби дуюм, с.1946-1956 котиби якуми КМ Ҳизби комунистии Тоҷикистон, 1956 – 1977 сарвари...Муфассал
Шоири халқӣ, раиси Иттифоқи нависандагони Тоҷикистон, Қаҳрамони меҳнати сотсиалистӣ, Раиси Кумитаи якдилии халқҳои Осиё ва Африқо. Барои достонҳои «Қиссаи Ҳиндустон»(1948), «Ҳасани аробакаш», «Чароғи абадӣ», «Садои Осиё»,(1960) «Ҷони ширин»...Муфассал
Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон. 19 ноябри соли 1992 дар иҷлосияи XVI Шўрои Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон раиси Шўрои Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, 6 ноябри соли 1994 бори аввал, солҳои 1999, 2006 ва 2013 Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон интихоб гардидаст...Муфассал
Нусратулло Махсум (Лутфуллоев) ходими давлатӣ ва ҳизбӣ. Солҳои 1924-1926 раиси Кумитаи инқилобии ҶМШС Тоҷикистон, солҳои 1926-1933 раиси Кумитаи Иҷроияи Марказии ҶШС Тоҷикистон. Бо фармони Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз 27 июни соли 2006....Муфассал
Ходими давлатӣ ва ҳизбӣ. Солҳои 1929-1931 котиби Ҳизби коммунистии ҶШС Тоҷикистон, солҳои 1933-1937 Раиси Кумитаи Иҷроияи Марказии ҶШС Тоҷикистон. Бо фармони Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз 27 июни соли 2006 ба фарзанди барӯманди халқи тоҷик....Муфассал
Newly published books
“Independence is the highest sacred and roads are a blessing, a symbol of happiness and national identity, patriotic honor and glory, stability is familiar and state liquidity”.
Emomali Rahmon
The Republic of Tajikistan is a young Republic with a centuries-old history. As noted by the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, “September 9 for the ancient, creative and culture-honoring, glorious Tajik people is a historical, fateful date and one of the moments of happiness and high dignity”.
September 9 is an important and valuable date for every citizen of the republic, since it was on September 9, 1991, at the session of Shura Oli (Supreme Council) that the resolution “On state independence of the Republic of Tajikistan” was adopted with the wording: “The Republic of Tajikistan is an independent, democratic, legal state”.
In a few days, the Republic of Tajikistan celebrates the 33rd anniversary of independence. Over the years, our young Republic has many achievements and continues to develop only for the better. Since gaining independence, the Tajik nation, under the wise leadership of the Leader of the Nation, has achieved significant successes over 33 years, among which are:
The appearance of the Republic of Tajikistan on the political map of the world as an independent state, its full membership in the United Nations and the first speech of the head of the Tajik state - Leader of the Nation from the rostrum of this organization.
Election of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon at the head of the state, thanks to which the civil war was continued, the constitutional system and all branches of power were restored, peace, unity and mutual understanding were ensured in the country, the achievement of peace by Tajiks in the world has become a unique example for the entire European Community.
The Republic of Tajikistan managed to maintain state and territorial integrity. The volume of agricultural production increases every year.
The Republic of Tajikistan today conducts an independent domestic and foreign policy, protects the national interests of the republic.
It should be emphasized that over the years of independence, the Republic of Tajikistan has achieved great heights in the fields of energy, industry, education, science and culture, construction of various kinds of structures, enterprises, plants and factories. It is important that thanks to the wise policy of the Leader of the nation, the status and role of Tajik women also increased during the years of independence, and at new stages it is impossible to imagine any area of activity without the active participation of women. In particular, the contribution of women in the fields of science and education, culture and healthcare, law enforcement agencies and other spheres of the country’s socio-economic life is increasing and significant.
As the head of state noted: “Today a woman of Tajikistan is not only a mother, sister and wife, but also a politician, a successful leader, a real scientist, a good doctor, a successful businesswoman, an honest law enforcement officer, a defender of the Fatherland, a builder, a teacher and a nurse, being a source of pride for each of us." Every year, September 9 is widely celebrated in Tajikistan.
Various social and political events are taking place throughout the country. On this day, in accordance with the Regulations “On the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan,” the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is hoisted.
Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the European Since gaining independence, the Republic of Tajikistan has been officially recognized by 150 countries of the world. For more than 30 years, the Republic of Tajikistan has been building strong relations with influential international organizations - the United Nations, the Organization for Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and others - that occupy a special place in the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. It should be noted that mutually beneficial cooperation has introduced Tajikistan to the world community, familiarized it with its foreign and domestic policy of a democratic and rule-of-law state. The above organizations, having established productive cooperation with Tajikistan, have provided support and contributed not only to the achievement of peace, but also to the preparation of post-war reconstruction projects and supporting the development of the country's economy.
One of such influential global organizations was UNESCO, which the Republic of Tajikistan joined on April 6, 1993 with the aim of developing and preserving the rich heritage of the Tajik people and familiarizing the world community with Tajik history and culture.
31 years have passed since the Republic of Tajikistan joined UNESCO and 17 years have passed since the creation of the National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO. The Commission strives to achieve the goals of UNESCO and is a link in the constant dialogue between governments and civil society of different countries. It brings together people engaged in various spheres of public life. Such a representative membership testifies to the importance that Tajikistan attaches to UNESCO and its activities for the preservation of peace through science, culture and education.
A special place in this endeavor is given to the highlighting of eminent personalities, works of science and art or events that have made a significant contribution to the mutual enrichment of cultures, contributing to the development of international understanding and the rapprochement of the peoples of the world.
Since 1956, UNESCO has been participating in commemorations of historic events and anniversaries of eminent personalities celebrated by Member States of the organization in order to give them world significance, which is a very important milestone for universal culture. One of the positive results of co-operation between the Republic of Tajikistan and UNESCO has been the inclusion of a number of dates in the UNESCO Anniversary List, which are the following: 1150th anniversary of the founder of Tajik-Persian classical literature Abuabdulla Rudaki (2009); 100th anniversary of the jubilee of Soviet Tajik folk poet Mirzo Tursunzoda (2009); 100th anniversary of the Soviet Tajik composer Ziyodulla Shahidi (2014); 600th anniversary of Tajik-Persian writer and poet, philosopher and musicologist, humanist and public figure Mavlana Abdurahmani Jami (2014); 3000th anniversary of the ancient city of Hissar (2015); 700th anniversary of the Tajik-Persian poet, scientist, philosopher and mystic Mir Sayyid Ali Hamadani (2015); 100th anniversary of the founder of Tajik choreography, director and producer of operas and Tajik dances of the Soviet era Gafar Valamatzade (2016); 1250th anniversary of the Tajik-Persian thinker and scholar Hakim Tirmizi (2016); 1150th anniversary of the Tajik-Persian scientist-encyclopaedist, physician, alchemist and philosopher Zakiriyo Razi; 400th anniversary of Tajik poet and educator Mirobid Sayyido Nasafi (2018); 700th anniversary of the great Tajik poet Kamoli Khujandi (2020) and others.
Each of these dates is the pride of the Tajik people, who have made a significant contribution to the world's cultural treasury. Through close cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and UNESCO since 1992, UNESCO's “Memory of the World” Program has raised awareness worldwide of the existence and significance of heritage, promoted preservation through the most appropriate methods and facilitated universal access to information and knowledge. According to the program, documentary heritage belongs to all and should not only be fully preserved and protected, but also permanently accessible to all. Because this heritage contains the collective memory of contemporary societies, nations and regions, as well as a memory common to all humanity.
From our republic, the UNESCO’s “Memory of the World”Program list includes the works of Ubaid Zakani ‘Kulliyat’ and ‘Ghazaliyat’ and ‘Ghazaliyat’ by Hafiz Sherazi (14th century).
At present, the Republic of Tajikistan is one of the most active members of UNESCO. Tajikistan, within the framework of UNESCO, carries out wide-ranging activities in all fields of science and education, culture, and also contributes to the protection of the world's cultural and natural heritage. Our country is a member of the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Certain achievements have been made in this direction, for example, one of the achievements of Tajikistan is the inclusion of the ancient city of Sarazm in the UNESCO World Heritage List during the 34th session of the World Heritage Committee in 2010. At the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee held on 16-26 June 2013 (in the capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Phnom Penh), the National Park of Tajikistan was included in the List of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Since the 90’s, UNESCO has been discussing issues related to bioethics and the human genome program. Scientists became concerned about the possibility of developing some modifications of the human genome with the help of new technology. In this regard, UNESCO together with a group of international scientists decided to launch a programme that includes social aspects and ethical issues of human rights.
The creation of the UNESCO World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology has led to the creation of the Commission on the Ethics of Communication, Ethics of Space. In this aspect, the Declaration of Ethical Principles in relation to climate change was adopted in 2017. It was within the framework of this programme that the Bioethics Committee under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan was established. This committee is one of the most visible results of effective cooperation of our country with UNESCO. Under the auspices of the above-mentioned programs, an international conference on “The Role of Women in Cultural Dialogue in Central Asia” was held in Dushanbe in June 2003. At the conference, it was decided to establish a UNESCO Chair on cultural dialogue in the modern world at the Russian-Tajik Slavic University.
On October 11th, 2003, the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted by the Member States of the organization and entered into force after its ratification by individual Member States in 2006. This Convention marked a new stage in the international legal protection of intangible cultural property. It was the first international legal instrument of its kind in the field of the protection of intangible cultural property.
The Republic of Tajikistan joined the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2010. Over the past 14 years, the Republic of Tajikistan has contributed a number of cultural elements to the list of this convention: November 11th, 2008 “Shashmaqom” - ancient classical Tajik music is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. Now 12th of May is celebrated annually in Tajikistan as “Shashmaqom day”; in March 2015, Tajikistan, together with 11 countries of the Nowruz basin (Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Turkmenistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Republic of India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Turkey and Republic of Iraq) proposed to inscribe Nowruz on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; оn 1st December 2016, at the 11th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, held in the city of Adis Ababa, the festival “Nowruz” and “Oshi Palav” were inscribed on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity; оn 1st December 2018 in the city of Port Louis, at the 13th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Heritage of UNESCO, the nomination of Tajikistan “Chakan - the art of embroidery in the Republic of Tajikistan” was included in the UNESCO Representative List of ICH, which is considered one of the important achievements in preserving and promoting the intangible heritage of ancestors, presenting folk crafts and rich culture of the Tajik people in the international arena.
Along with these achievements of Tajikistan, it should be emphasized that Tajikistan's initiatives for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List of ICH nominations “Hulbuk”, “Falak” and “Atlas and Adras” are at different stages of consideration and finalization. Tajikistan has also submitted as a joint nomination with Iran “Mehrgon - Festival of Autumn Equinox”.
Based on the activities of the Republic of Tajikistan within UNESCO in 2004, the capital city of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, was awarded the UNESCO “City for Peace” Prize. On 17th September 2008, the famous Tajik sculptor Amri Aminov was awarded the honorary title of UNESCO “Artist for Peace” in recognition of his contribution to spreading the ideas of peace and tolerance through his art.
On 20-22 August 2013, UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova visited the Republic of Tajikistan and met with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon. She presented the President of the Republic of Tajikistan with the UNESCO 60th Anniversary badge for her honorable contribution to peace, stability and sustainable development. During her visit, Irina Bokova participated in the High-Level International Conference on Water Co-operation and delivered a speech where she emphasized Tajikistan's activities on the world stage within UNESCO.
Every year Tajikistan and UNESCO cooperate under the Participation programme, which is implemented to expand and strengthen the capacity of Member States by financing various projects. During 1993-2021, the Tajikistan National Commission for UNESCO has implemented projects in the field of education, science and culture within the framework of this programme, for example, one of the most effective UNESCO programmes “UNESCO Associated Schools” celebrated its 65th anniversary in 2018. Institutions belonging to this international network (11 thousand educational institutions in more than 180 countries) aim to educate young people in the traditions of tolerance and intercultural dialogue through educational programmes focused on the active participation of students themselves. There are 9 UNESCO Associated Schools in our country. The institutions participating in this international Project represent different levels of education of UNESCO member countries: pre-school, primary school, secondary school, vocational education institutions, teacher training programmes. The most important factor in this endeavor is that these institutions are guided by the country’s national education system. At the same time, their education is based on four basic areas of activity: 1) dissemination of information about the United Nations and UNESCO; 2) ecology, environmental protection; 3) study of the world cultural and natural heritage; 4) human rights, children’s rights, democracy, non-violence.
On October 13th, 2021, with the assistance of the National Commission of Tajikistan for UNESCO, an exhibition of historical art of Tajikistan entitled “Tajikistan - the Land of Golden Rivers” was held at the Museum of Asian Crafts “Guimet” in Paris. It was the first European exhibition of Tajikistan, which lasted for three months during which about 300 ancient monuments of Tajik people were exhibited. Then, on October 14, 2021, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon, took part in the opening ceremony of the Day of Culture of Tajikistan at UNESCO in Paris. The event coincided with the 75th anniversary of UNESCO and was attended by the Director-General of UNESCO Audrey Azoulay and a large number of representatives of member countries of the United Nations.
In December 2021, confirmation of the potent activity of Tajikistan in the structures of UNESCO is the inclusion of the art of chanting of Tajikistan - “Falak” in the list of intangible cultural population of humanity of UNESCO.
As a result of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and UNESCO was the inclusion in the List of significant and memorable dates celebrated by UNESCO in 2022-2023. 2500th anniversary of the ancient settlement of Takhti Sangin and the joint nomination of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran on the 1050th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding scholar of the East Aburaikhan Beruni.
The National Commission of the Republic of Tajikistan for UNESCO during the last three years of its cooperation with UNESCO has inscribed numerous natural and historical sites, works of Tajik scientific and literary geniuses and unique creations on the lists of this World Institute, including: Tajikistan National Park; the ancient city of Sarazm; state reserve of Tajikistan “Tigrovaya Balka”; transnational cultural heritage of the Silk Road: “Zarafshan-Karakum”; monuments of ancient Penjikent; city of Sanjarshokh; Khisorak Fortress, Gardani Khisor; Mug Castle; Kum Fortress; Tali Hamtuda; Toksankorez irrigation system; Tomb of Khoja Muhammad Bashoro; UNESCO's Executive Board inscribed the complete works of Tajik poet and philosopher Jaloliddin Balkhi on the Memory of the World Register.
In addition to the existing results, on January 12, 2024, the President of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon signed a decree to open a “Permanent Delegation of the Republic to UNESCO” to represent the culture, history, and material and spiritual heritage of the Tajik people.
The current government of the country is trying to achieve the introduction of 13 monument Tajikistan in the list of the world heritage of UNESCO in 2024: Stone Throne, Ajina-Teppa Buddhist Monastery; Khoja Mashhad Mausoleum, Dimna or Khulbuk Palace, the ancient city of Baitudashti IV, Khoja Nahran Mausoleum, Hazrat Shah Mausoleum, the ancient city of Kahkaha, Fon Mountains, Tigrovaya Balka Reserve, Dashtijum Reserve, Zorkul Reserve and Kusavlisai Reserve.
Headquarters UNESCO was marked 850 years Maulana Jalaluddin Balkhi.
Thanks to such effective bilateral cooperation Tajikistan recognized as a leading country in the solution of water and climate issues in the world.
In the historical spectrum, 31 years is a very short period of time, but if we consider the achievements of the Republic of Tajikistan as an equal member of the world community on the example of bilateral relations between Tajikistan and UNESCO, we can proudly state that for such a short historical period Tajikistan has become an active member of UNESCO, author and co-author of a number of global cooperation projects in the field of science, education and culture. Through its activities within UNESCO, Tajikistan has made a significant contribution to the protection and promotion of the cultural and natural heritage of the Tajik people, and thus the world as a whole.
Ardabaeva Madina – PhD student оt the Department of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Institute of Humanitarian Sciences named after academician B. Iskandarov of the NAST.
The ancestors of the Tajiks have lived in the present territory of Tajikistan since ancient times and are the oldest people of Central Asia. In ancient times, the ancestors of Tajiks were called Aryans. Ariya - from the Avestan word «aria» and the Iranian word «ariya» means «pure», «noble». In ancient times, the ancestors of Tajiks were called Aryans.
In ancient times, the ancestors of the Aryans formed a single ethnic community, that is, they were one nation, spoke one language and lived in one country. Approximately in the XX- XV centuries BC they split into two branches, one of which moved to India where they wrote the Vedas. The second group lived in Central Asia and Eastern Iran and created the Avesta. According to written sources in the IX-VIII centuries Aryans lived in almost half of the Asian continent from Mesopotamian border to northern India and from Eastern-Southern Europe to Altay and Western Siberia.
IV - II millennium BC - Sarazm is an ancient town located near Panjakent district in Northern Tajikistan. The existence of Sarazm is attributed to the Eneolithic and Bronze Age.
The Tajik people are one of the most ancient people of the Central Asia throughout the millennium history, despite of all vicissitudes of life; they have created rich material and a spiritual culture which laid the basis for the most ancient and medieval cultures and regional civilizations. The Tajik people have defended their culture, territory, mentality, their faith for centuries, as an integral part of a multifaceted world civilization.
As the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon noted, «History is quite rightly defined as the memories of humankind. Those, who have no idea about the destiny of their nation, about the past of its people, who are not familiar with the traditions and habits of their ancestors and who cannot appreciate the merits and achievements of nation, are not worthy of being called true citizens of their country».
Each historical period remains a deep mark on the fate of nations and peoples, has an impact on the course of their formation and development. Tajiks, whose history goes back to millennia, in its origin and belong to the Aryans, are indigenous inhabitants of the Central Asia. Of course, the history of Tajiks is closely tied with the history of all the peoples of the Persian group, many of its aspects have not been investigated so far.
In the tumultuous process of globalization and clash of civilizations and cultures, every people and nation try to show the history of its ancestors for its own sake. Sometimes there are cases when not only ordinary people, but certain scientific circles, that is, some scientists, try to make history out of legends and myths. And without a historical basis, they want to take another's property.
If we look at the historical reality, the Tajik nation has an ancient and great history in the territory of Khorasan and Mоverannahr, which is confirmed by all reliable sources. The ancestors of the Tajiks - Aryans in Iran, Central Asia and Afghanistan laid the foundation for a great urban civilization, which is recognized as one of the first civilizations in human history.
The Aryan civilization continued to expand and spread to Europe in the west and India in the east. With the efforts of the Founder of Peace and National Unity-Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, 2006 was declared the "Year of Aryan Civilization", the purpose of which was to inform and awaken the national sense of the young generation of the country.
One of the issues that has caused a lot of noise in recent years is the concept of «Turan» and its meaning and geographical boundaries. In recent years, especially some scientific circles want to equate this concept with the Turkish people.
The word Turan as a geographical and ethnic name is first encountered in the Avesta. In ancient times, Turan as a geographical term was used to denote a part of the Central Asian region. The inhabitants of Turan called themselves Turanians. Despite the fact that the geographical name Turan in the medieval period (11th century) was replaced by Turkestan in historical literature (Bartold, 1963, p. 63). Nevertheless, some inhabitants of Central Asia called themselves Turanians before the October Revolution. Even now, the names Turan (male) and Turangul (female) are common among the Tajiks of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. This name is also borne by one of the nomadic Afghan tribes (Resner, 1964, p. 98). Back in the 19th century, the Chinese called the indigenous population of Maverannahr (i.e. Tajiks) Turanians (Klyashtorny, 1988, p. 87).
An expert on Avestan texts, the author of translations from Pahlavi to Farsi of the two-volume Yashts and Gathas, Puri Dovud writes that «the Turs, according to Avestan sources, are Iranian-speaking and Faridun comes from the Turs. However, the Turs were cattle-breeding tribes and lived in tents, they did not engage in agriculture and did not have cities. And the Iranians were sedentary and had cities, they were engaged in agriculture. The Turanians often attacked the cities of Iran, so the Iranians considered them their enemies. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, the reason for the enmity between the Iranians and the Turanians was that the Turanians remained on their old territory, firmly, professed the old religion, and the Iranians accepted the teachings of Zarathustra and revered the sacred fire. The Iranians, because they did not accept the religion of Zarathustra, called the Turans infidels» (Puri Dovud, Part 1, 1971, pp. 54-55).
E.G. Bertels believes that Turs with Iranians have a common origin (Bertels, 1960, p.33) The Russian Turkologist S. D. Zenkovsky writes that «the word Turan does not mean the ancient Turkic-Mongol peoples, but rather the northern Iranian population that occupied all of Central Asia until the VI century AD» (Zenkobcky, 1967, p. 110). S. D. Zenkovsky correctly notes that the Turanians were Iranians, not Turks.
The famous Tajik scientist academician Yu. Yakubov proves that the word «Tur» takes its origin from the bull of the tur. The bull tur is the totem of all Iranian-speaking cattle breeders, Sakas-turs. (Yakubov, 2001, p.27-34)
For an intelligent reader and pundit, only Firdawsi's «Shahnama» is enough to understand the reality.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz - Head of the Department for the Implementation of Sscientific achievments in Production of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Khojaev Mehrovar- candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of Tajik National University.
September 9, 1991, when the Republic of Tajikistan officially declared its state independence, became an important moment in the history of the country. This historical event marked the beginning of a new stage of the country's development, which gave it the opportunity to determine its own destiny and strive for national prosperity. But the path to independence and stability was not easy, but required many efforts and sacrifices.
Independence, in the true sense, is not only political and economic independence, but also spiritual and scientific independence. The history of Tajikistan, which began thousands of years ago, carried with it the dream of freedom, the development of science and culture. These dreams were realized with the support of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, who played a key role in the formation of the new government of Tajikistan from the first days of independence.
The efforts of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon in ending the civil war, restoring peace and stability, as well as his determination and wisdom allowed the country to overcome many difficulties. This trend is not only the result of his hard work, but also the proof of the wisdom and stability of the nation, which strives for comprehensive development.
The Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, always emphasized the importance of science for the development of the country. In his meetings with scientists and well-known people of science, issues of raising the level of studying natural and mathematical sciences, developing technical thinking, supporting inventive initiatives and improving the quality of training of scientific personnel were discussed. In this way, they paved the way for the development of science and technology and created conditions for innovation and technical progress.
During the years of State Independence, science in Tajikistan made great strides forward. The Government of the country has created all conditions for comprehensive development of science and improvement of social conditions for scientific workers. Many institutes and scientific-research centers were built and put into operation. Important reforms were made to the structure of the Academy of Sciences, which was transformed into the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan in 2020.
Among the achievements in the field of science, it is possible to mention the establishment of new institutions on water, hydropower, ecology, philosophy and law, as well as the Khatlon Scientific Center and the Center for the Study of Glaciers of Tajikistan. These institutions play an important role in solving scientific and practical issues facing the country. However, it is important to remember that real science always deals with everyday issues, but also opens up new ways to understand the world.
Science and education have a central position in the policy of the Government of Tajikistan. During more than 30 years of state independence, more than 3,900 institutions of general education, including gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, as well as universities and institutes, have been built. The number of institutions of higher professional education has increased from 13 to 47, and the number of students has increased from 65 thousand to more than 220 thousand. This development shows that the nation attaches special importance to science and education and considers it as the main way of social and economic progress.
One of the important aspects of the state policy is the involvement of young people in science and invention. The Founder of peace and national unity- Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, has established many awards and scholarships for schoolchildren and students, which encourage young people to study and research. In 2022, the Law "On Commercialization of the Results of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities" was adopted, which promotes the implementation of scientific achievements in production. In this way, young people can have a deep understanding of science and technology and contribute to the development of the national economy.
One of the other important steps is the establishment of the republican competition "Science - the branch of knowledge", which is organized in Tajikistan in order to attract more teenagers and young people to the study of exact and natural sciences. This competition, held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, contributes to the development of scientific thinking, the expansion of the technical outlook, and the formation of innovative and inventive skills. Participants in this competition can demonstrate their knowledge and skills in various scientific fields and enjoy their achievements. The competition also contributes to the expansion of scientific thinking and technology in society, and provides suitable conditions for the development of the young generation of scientists.
Despite significant successes, science in Tajikistan faces a number of problems. One of the main tasks is to attract young scientists to research activities. The shortage of specialists in such fields as seismology, energy, molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology requires urgent measures to train and attract them. In this process, revision and development of educational and research programs should be a national priority.
The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon also emphasized the need for serious reforms in the National Academy of Sciences and its scientific research institutes. He emphasized the importance of increasing the effectiveness of scientific research and their compliance with modern requirements. For this purpose, the Government intends to establish a competent commission for a comprehensive analysis of the activities of scientific institutions and make specific proposals for their improvement. These measures show that the development of science and technology is a top priority in state policy.
The Government of Tajikistan recognizes the great importance of modern equipment and scientific-practical laboratories. In recent years, investments in the purchase of new equipment and the establishment of new laboratories have increased. These modern equipment and better research conditions allow scientists and researchers to conduct research at a high level and achieve significant results. These investments show that Tajikistan is moving forward in the development of science and technology and hopes for a bright future.
The independence of Tajikistan created the basis for the development of science and education, which in turn contributes to the social and economic progress of the country. The initiatives of the Honorable President Emomali Rahmon and the Government of the country allowed Tajikistan to move forward with confidence, implement strategic goals and solve the problems of modern times. Science plays a key role in this process, and its development remains one of the priorities of state policy.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Imom Mirahmadi Sharofiddin - Senior specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
The Republic of Tajikistan and the People's Republic of China to establish a fruitful relationship that significantly impacts regional development and stability. This alliance, rooted in deep historical ties and mutual strategic interests, has evolved to encompass economic partnerships, security collaboration, and cultural exchanges, each weaving a tighter bond between the two nations.
Economic exchanges form the cornerstone of this relationship, with China emerging as one of Tajikistan's largest foreign investors. Significant undertakings like the construction of the Dushanbe Thermal Power Plant-2 and the Vakhdat-Yavan railway tunnel attribute to a strategic effort in boosting Tajikistan’s infrastructure, thereby enhancing the country's economic landscape and living standards. These projects are complemented by Chinese investments in industries such as construction, textiles, and agriculture, creating job opportunities for Tajik citizens and boosting local economies.
Another important aspect of this partnership is Tajikistan's involvement in China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which seeks to improve trade routes and stimulate economic growth across Asia and beyond. Tajikistan's strategic location offers a transit route, enhancing its geopolitical stature and fostering economic interdependence among BRI participant countries. This includes infrastructure projects like new governmental buildings and trade corridors that deepen economic ties and regional connectivity.
The collaboration extends beyond economics into security, as both nations prioritize regional stability. This security cooperation not only enhances Tajik forces but also contributes to the peace and stability of the entire Central Asian region.
Strengthening cultural and educational ties also plays a vital role in this partnership. Numerous Tajik students benefit from scholarships to study in Chinese universities, gaining skills beneficial for national development. Additionally, cultural exchanges and language programs foster mutual understanding and respect, enriching the social fabric of both nations.
Looking towards the future, the partnership is poised for expansion into more sustainable and technologically driven initiatives. Prospective projects focusing on green energy and modern agricultural techniques illustrate the shared vision for a forward-thinking partnership. Enhanced connectivity through digital innovations in trade routes and improved community engagement strategies will further solidify the bonds between Tajikistan and China.
The trajectory of Tajikistan-China relations illustrates not just the ambitions of two neighboring countries but also the potential of transformative partnerships to foster global goodwill and shared progress. Through continuous refinement and mutual respect, this partnership can serve as a beacon of international cooperation, contributing significantly to regional stability and prosperity.
The journey of collaboration is evolving, with both nations exploring new areas to fortify their relationship while emphasizing sustainable growth and mutual benefits. The future promises not only enhanced prosperity for Tajikistan and China but also a strengthened model of international partnership that other nations might aspire to.
As the partnership matures, the focus will increasingly shift towards integrating modern technologies and sustainable practices into the fabric of this cooperation. Potential collaborations in renewable energy projects, such as solar and wind power, may come to the forefront, leveraging Tajikistan's natural resources and China’s technological prowess. These initiatives not only promise to reduce carbon footprints but also to foster energy independence and sustainability for Tajikistan, aligning with global environmental goals.
Further enhancing the relationship, digital infrastructure improvements are crucial. The implementation of smart technologies in trade and transportation could revolutionize how goods and services move between the two countries and beyond, making processes more efficient and secure. This digital shift would not only strengthen the economic aspects of the partnership but also enhance security measures, providing more robust safeguards against common regional threats like smuggling and terrorism.
An area requiring vigilant attention is the balance of benefits in this bilateral relation. Ensuring that these extensive cooperative efforts lead to tangible improvements in the lives of Tajik citizens is crucial. Public infrastructure projects, technology transfers, and educational initiatives must be executed in ways that directly benefit local communities, thereby solidifying the foundation of mutual respect and cooperation that this partnership is built upon.
Moreover, cultural diplomacy will continue to play an essential role in enriching this bilateral relationship. Increased cultural exchanges, joint art and educational projects, and deeper people-to-people connections would help mitigate any sense of alienation or imbalance. Such initiatives can serve to enhance understanding and appreciation between the populations of both nations, creating a resilient bond that complements economic and security collaborations.
As we navigate the complexities of this evolving partnership, challenges such as political influence, economic dependence, and cultural integration need careful handling. Transparency in projects and initiatives, balanced economic policies, and inclusive growth are essential to maintaining a healthy, sustainable partnership that truly benefits both parties.
In conclusion, the ongoing journey of collaboration between Tajikistan and China holds vast potential for both countries. By continuing to focus on shared strategic goals, respecting each nation’s sovereignty, and embracing opportunities for modernization and cultural exchange, this partnership can transcend traditional bounds of international cooperation. It embodies a comprehensive model of collaboration that could guide future alliances across the globe, fostering peace, development, and mutual understanding in an interconnected world.
Rahimov Faridun – Research Fellow, Department of Southeast Asia of Institute of Studying of problems of Asian and European Countries, National Academy of Sciences of the Tajikistan
"National unity is a pillar that keeps our state and nation stable and the sacred duty of all of us is to strengthen this foundation of our national statehood with constructive work."
Emomali Rahmon
It is a blessing that the independent and prosperous Republic under the wise leadership of the President of the country - the Founder of peace and national unity -Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hhonorable Emomali Rahmon, in a short period of time, turned from a war-torn country into a safe and peaceful country and an initiator of water and climate issues at the international level. became as for the economic situation, despite the existing problems, it is gradually developing and is being fully resolved with the adoption of special strategies by the state and government.
The role of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in our peace and unity today is extremely great and unique. We are all witnesses that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, states emerged that were completely independent in terms of political structure, and they faced the most important and fateful tasks of comprehensively strengthening and strengthening the achieved independence.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, individuals entered the political arena and, in order to gain power as quickly as possible with the help of external and internal enemies, caused the outbreak of civil war in our country and the displacement of tens of thousands of civilians. Since 1992, when at the historic and fateful session of the XVI Supreme Council, this son of the nation, the head of the nation, stepped into the arena of state leadership, how this historical figure helped to bring Tajikistan out of the abyss of destruction, to achieve the spiritual and political unity of the country, to bring together groups the opposites and sections of the society fought with loyalty and enthusiasm.
It is thanks to the immense courage and perseverance, high responsibility of patriotism and patriotism and consistent efforts of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon, that peace and unity were restored in our country in a short historical period, and not a single refugee remained outside the homeland. Therefore, the name of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, was accepted by our society as a Leader of the nation and recognized as a powerful politician in the world. In our opinion, the face and image of His Highness is really the best example of a political face and the best example of the nation. The long-awaited peace and unity came exactly through this courageous man in the suffering and almost fragmented Tajik land, and slowly, little by little, they came together.
Thanks to the national peace and unity, relying on the wisdom of the past, with the full understanding of the responsibility of patriotism and self-awareness, the proud people of Tajikistan under the leadership of their wise, visionary and respected leader Emomali Rahmon strengthened the status and reputation of this ancestral land in the world arena. The construction of huge highways and bridges, the revival of the "Palace of Light" and the raising of hopeful flames, the planting of seeds of hope, the greening of the country, the enjoyment of the light of enlightenment by the younger generation are the good results of this historical achievement of the Tajik nation - national unity.
The development of the society, a peaceful life and the hopes and dreams of every citizen can be realized only if there is peace and stability and national unity. As the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speeches, constantly emphasizes that: "The aspect of protecting the security of the state, stability and peace of the society, further strengthening of independence, freedom, national unity and ensuring the progress and prosperity of the independent Tajikistan", correct understanding of national and state interests, honor and pride of patriotism is very important. In other words, a high sense of nationalism and pride in being a citizen of Tajikistan as a key factor in uniting society should play an effective role in the mind and consciousness of every person."
On June 27, 1997, an important event in the modern history of Tajiks took place.
In a short historical and fateful period for the nation, the wise visionary leader directed all his energy to return the forced migrants, call the opposition for peace and national unity and ensure a safe and peaceful life. Fortunately, he achieved his noble goals. Complete peace and unity reigned in the land of Tajiks, and the construction and creation of society began. This fateful day for the Tajik people did not come easily.
The famous poet, Ustod Loiq Sherali, wrote:
The mercy of our Lord has come,
The Light of Truth came to our land.
Our founding war is over.
Our long-awaited peace has arrived.
The children of the nation, under the wise leadership of the founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon, as a patriot, godly, self-aware, wise and far-sighted, brave and strong, brought the nation out of disunity, the homeland out of danger, and the people out of humiliation and disgrace.
It should be said that the experience and peace formula of Tajiks has been studied in various countries of the world, especially countries where internal conflicts are going on. Peace of Tajiks is considered as an example in international conferences. Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speech in honor of the National Unity Day, emphasized that: "The people of Tajikistan have clearly realized that only in the atmosphere of national peace and unity and through patriotic efforts, their newly independent state can be transformed into a prosperous and developed country. and left a truly developed and civilized country for future generations.
National unity and peacemaking experience of Tajiks are among the most valuable lessons that have been accepted and studied both within the country and at the international level.
It should be noted that peace, national unity and mutual understanding form the axis of development of people's life and progress. Therefore, maintaining peace and stability in everywhere is a civic duty of every noble and honorable person of our land.
Unity is an inextricable process of society's life, and it’s strengthening always requires tireless efforts of society members and all formal and informal organizations and institutions. In the process of strengthening national unity, the contribution of scientists is particularly significant.
As the scientific works of our country's scientists are focused on the most important problems of ensuring security, economic development, and further raising the social, cultural and political level. Depending on the demand of the society, it is necessary to change the scope of vision of scientists. In other words, let's wash our hands of selfishness and ignoring events, temptations, and baseless bigotry, and work diligently and wholeheartedly for the expansion of our independent state. Because we can. Happy National Unity Day, dear friends!
According to the poet:
The honor of the people comes from unity.
Let the family be united.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
The importance of using scientific results in practice and production in the conditions of Tajikistan
The use of scientific achievements in practice and production can play a constructive role in the development of today's independent Tajikistan. This was especially emphasized by the Leader of the nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during his recent meeting with the representatives of science and education of the country.
The Leader of the nation noted that science is one of the main factors of the country's development, and scientists are a great intellectual resource of the society. Without the contribution of science, it is impossible to develop the economy and increase its competitiveness. The importance of human capital, including a high level of education and culture, is the basis of a country's success. In this sense, science and technology play a key role in ensuring sustainable development and progress of society.
Scientific research and innovation contribute to the solution of many problems facing Tajikistan. They help improve the quality of life, enable sustainable development, and address challenges related to climate change, energy security, and food security. Science has become an engine of progress and helps the country to adapt to new challenges and use its resources effectively.
During the years of independence, many research institutes and scientific centers were established in Tajikistan and ensured comprehensive development of science. Despite the difficulties of the 90s of the last century, the Government of the country was able to maintain and strengthen scientific institutions, which allowed Tajikistan to start the stage of economic development. The Leader of the nation emphasized that without scientific research and implementation of their results in practice in various fields of the economy, including energy, agriculture, industry, etc., it is impossible to achieve high indicators.
Science and technology play a major role in the modernization of the country. The introduction of new technology and scientific achievements allow to improve infrastructure, increase labor productivity and create new jobs. Investing in research and technology development helps create the conditions for innovation and economic growth.
The achievements of science have a direct impact on the quality of life of the population. For example, the development of mobile technology and the Internet, the improvement of health care thanks to new vaccines, and the development of infrastructure are all made possible by scientific research and technological innovation. Many roads, tunnels, bridges and hydroelectric power plants have been built in Tajikistan over the past decades, which has contributed to the unity of the territory and improved transport access.
Innovation in medicine and health care helps to improve the health of the population. The introduction of new medical technology, the development of vaccines and medicines will make it possible to effectively fight against diseases and improve the quality of medical care. The development of telemedicine and digital technologies in the field of health provides better access to medical care for residents of remote areas.
The government of Tajikistan actively supports innovation and scientific potential of the country, increases funding and provides favorable conditions for scientists. This includes the creation of techno parks, the stimulation of public-private partnerships in scientific research and innovation, as well as the introduction of the law on commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities.
Special attention is paid to the development of young scientists and the involvement of young people in scientific research. The establishment of scholarships, grants and awards for young scientists will help attract them to scientific activity and stimulate the development of new research. It is also important to create conditions for professional development and professional development of young scientists by providing access to laboratories and modern scientific equipment.
The Leader of the nation noted that despite the support of the state, the results of scientific research do not always meet the requirements of the time. The contribution of science to the country's gross domestic product is only 0.1%, which does not meet the state's needs. To solve this problem, serious reforms are necessary, including restructuring of scientific institutions, increasing the efficiency of their activities and improving the quality of training of scientific personnel.
Cooperation between scientific institutions and production enterprises should also be strengthened. The establishment of joint projects aimed at the introduction of scientific developments in production can help increase the competitiveness of Tajik enterprises and create new jobs. The state should actively support such initiatives and create favorable conditions for their implementation.
Special attention should be paid to the introduction of scientific achievements in the field of agriculture. This is the main industry of Tajikistan and provides food security and employment for a large part of the population. The use of modern agricultural technologies, the development of new types of crops and methods of combating pests and plant diseases can significantly increase the productivity and quality of agricultural products.
Scientific research in the field of water and water resources management also plays an important role. In the context of climate change and scarcity of water resources, effective management of water resources becomes important. Development and implementation of innovative irrigation methods, rational use of water and improvement of water supply infrastructure contribute to sustainable development of agriculture.
Implementation of scientific achievements to industry and energy contributes to the development of these areas and ensures the energy independence of the country. The construction of new hydropower plants, the development of alternative energy sources and the improvement of the energy efficiency of production processes all require a scientific approach and innovative solutions. It is also important to develop energy research aimed at developing new technologies and materials that can be used in the energy sector.
International cooperation in the field of science and technology plays an important role in the development of Tajikistan. Exchange of experience, joint research and participation in international scientific projects allow Tajik scientists to gain access to advanced knowledge and technologies. It is also important to develop partnerships with advanced scientific centers and universities of the world, which contribute to raising the level of education and science in the country.
The use of scientific achievements in practice and production is an integral part of Tajikistan's Development strategy. In the conditions of global competition and rapid technological progress, the country should actively introduce scientific developments in various fields of life in order to ensure sustainable development and high quality of life of its citizens. Attracting young people to science, supporting innovation and efficient use of scientific resources are key tasks to achieve these goals
Tajikistan should continue to invest in science and technology, support young scientists and create conditions for innovative activities. Only in this way, the country can ensure its future and achieve stable economic development, increase the quality of life and prosperity of the nation.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Imom Mirahmadi Sharofiddin - Senior specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Water is life,
There is water, land, cultivation and work.
The product of all worlds,
It is due to the existence of grace water.
Indeed, water is the source of existence of all creatures in the world. Water is a great resource that gives freshness, beauty, greenness and freedom to the reality of the world and life. The existence of flowers and plants, animals and plants, plants and humanity, especially peaceful and prosperous life, freedom and prosperity all depend on water. People use water for drinking, cooking, washing houses, cleaning streets, and irrigating land. Also, a person drives boats and ships on waterways and carries all kinds of cargo and passengers. The cascading water drives turbines and generates electricity. With the force of high water, the stone wheel of the mill, the handles of the water dispenser move. No industry can function without water. Water is used in factories and plants for the preparation of dyes, fabric dyeing, leather processing, paper, soap, baking, and various beverages.
Man cannot live without water. Even most of the weight of the human body consists of water. A person uses water in all moments of his life. Water protects a person from dirt and impurity, from diseases and pains. Water is the main source of vegetables, plants and animals that humans always need. Even the moisture of the earth comes from water, without which no plant or flower can grow.
We Tajiks should always be proud of the abundance of our great land. Tajikistan is rich in water resources, it has almost 7000 glaciers, 155 lakes of various sizes, tens of thousands of natural and mineral water springs and many reservoirs. This great resource, which is the basis of man, is water. Life cannot be sustained without water.
Since ancient times, in books, water is considered as the main source of life. Four elements are sacred in life: water, earth, fire, wind, which all beings in the world need.
According to Omar Khayyom:
We are all from fire, water, wind and dust.
If these four things don't happen, we will all perish.
Since we know that water is the basis of life for all living things in the world, then we have a duty to respect this great source as the basis of existence, the light that illuminates, the organizer of the world of existence, keep it clean and tidy, and do not allow anyone to pollute this great miracle, throw garbage or any other it is permissible to act improperly against it, because:
Because of the stream from which the water is clean,
You should not dig stones and soil in it,
Keeping water clean and considering it sacred, honoring every drop of this great miracle is the duty of every cultured person, because water is considered not only as a source of prosperity, but also as a source of light.
Water is a gem more precious than rubies.
The purity of every drop of it is the purity of goodness.
There is water and there is prosperity, they say in tradition. Water is the source of growth and development of all the creatures of the world. It is water that a person breathes even on the verge of death after drinking a drop of it. It is water, from which flowers and plants get their color, smell, freshness and vitality. Life has no meaning without water.
Life is based on the existence of water. Unfortunately, some thoughtless people deliberately pollute the waters. Household garbage is thrown on the banks of rivers and canals and pollutes them. Water is used indiscriminately, which will harm the health of the population and the inhabitants of the planet. Thus, keeping it clean and not polluting every drop of water is considered a sacred duty of every Muslim person.
In short, according to the words of the Great Prophet Rasul Akram, "Water is truly a purifier and the basis of existence, so that nothing can make it impure."
Therefore, water should be taken care of and kept clean.
In order to protect nature, especially water resources, from the negative effects of man and society, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the Founder of Peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, Honorable President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, from the first days of coming to power, has been concerned with the environmental protection of the country, the region and the world is showing great interest. Due to the importance of environmental issues, changes and additions have been made to most of the nature protection laws during the years of Independence of the Republic. At the same time, more than 40 laws on ecology and natural resources have been adopted in this direction.
With the initiative and contribution of the Republic of Tajikistan, in March 1993, together with the leaders of the Central Asian countries, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea was established. In 2002, in order to resolve the issue related to the water and environmental issues of the Aral Sea, a meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia was held in Dushanbe and at this conference, the chairmanship of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea from 2002 to 2008 was entrusted to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon.
Water is the first and inevitable source of satisfying basic human needs, primarily for health protection, safe food supply, cleanliness and preservation of ecosystems on our planet.
In other words, water is the source of life and the main component of sustainable development. Therefore, it is very important to consider water as the most important socio-economic factor and manage it within the framework of today's socio-economic reality.
On December 14, 2022, the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the support of 153 member countries, accepted the 5th international initiative of the Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon in the field of water and climate. According to this resolution, 2025 was declared as the International Year for the Protection of Glaciers, and from the beginning of 2025, March 21 will be celebrated every year as World Glacier Day. Also, in accordance with this resolution, the United Nations, under the coordination of the Secretary-General of this organization, establishes a special trust fund, that is, an international special trust fund for the protection of glaciers.
Thus, the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the Founder of Peace and national unity- Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, has come up with environmental initiatives of a global character and is making a valuable contribution to the protection of regional and global natural resources.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - Leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
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