Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan (IFPL NAST) was created by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Tajik SSR (March 8, 1951, No. 116) as the Department of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR. On March 9, 1991, on the basis of the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Law of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR, was created a new institution - the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR. By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (dated December 2, 2005 No. 474), was created a new scientific institution - the Institute of State and Law of the Republic of Tajikistan as an independent institution. By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (dated February 4, 2011 No. 35), the Institute of Philosophy named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Institute of State and Law of the Institute of History of the Republic of Tajikistan were merged, and on their basis was formed the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2022, the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan was renamed to the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the NAST.
IFPL NAST as a research institution provides for the conduct, development and adaptation of fundamental and practical research in the republic in the fields of philosophy, political science, state and law, sociology and the training of highly qualified scientific personnel in these areas. To carry out these tasks, the IFPL NAST has 13 departments and 1 center: ontology, epistemology and logic; history of philosophy; social philosophy; philosophy of culture; philosophical issues of religion; sociology; political science; political issues of international relations; theoretical issues of state and modern law; history of state and law; international law; state public law; private law; Center for Avicena Studies.
During the era of independence, the IPP NAST published more than 350 scientific monographs, more than 40 works of Tajik thinkers were translated from the Arabic alphabet or translated from Arabic and published in Tajik and Russian. Every year at the IFPL NAST 10-15 custom scientific projects are implemented at the expense of the state budget or the Presidential Fund. At the same time, up to 20 books and monographs, up to 250 scientific articles, more than 200 scientific and popular articles on public policy and its propaganda are published annually, and through the media, researchers speak more than 200 times on various topics, and 5-10 republican and international conferences and other scientific events.
The main results of the research work of the IFPL NAST are used in the learning process at social departments of vocational education institutions, relevant ministries and departments, in the development of government concepts, strategies and programs.
IFPL NAST implements research work on 16 projects (15 budget projects and 1 project at the expense of the Presidential Fund): Formation of a scientific and philosophical worldview in modern Tajikistan; Methodological issues in the study of philosophical, social and ethical thoughts and the picture of the world in the works of Tajik thinkers; Translation and publication of the works of Abu Ali ibn Sina; The secular state and its attitude to the issue of freedom of conscience and spiritual culture of society (the experience of Tajikistan); Social capital and its importance in building civil society in the Republic of Tajikistan; Modern Tajik culture; Formation of civil society in Tajikistan: status, development factors and prospects; Issues of national security and identification of new threats to the political stability of the Republic of Tajikistan; Participation of the Republic of Tajikistan in regional integration institutions as a factor in the sustainable development and security of Tajikistan; Legal culture of ancestors and its role in the formation of law and modern statehood of Tajiks; The origin and development of international law in the Central Asian region; Constitution and development of the foundations of the state and social structure of Tajikistan; Theory and practice of legal regulation of private relations in the Republic of Tajikistan; Problems of law enforcement in the Republic of Tajikistan; Modern criminal law of Tajikistan; Development of the Concept “Ideological security as a factor in strengthening the national security of Tajikistan.”.
The IFPL NAST has scientific journals “Proceedings of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law named after A. Bakhovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan” (ISSN 0235-005X), “Academic Legal Journal” (ISSN 2305-0535), in which from 100 to 150 are published scientific articles annually. Up to 10 monographs and other books are published annually.
Scientific staff of the Institute of IFPL NAST pay special attention to the training of young scientific personnel. Currently, 38 master's students, 37 doctoral students in specialties (PhD) are studying at the IFPL NAST, 175 applicants are engaged in scientific research. They are served by the branch library of the IFPL NAST.
For the training of scientific personnel, there is a Dissertation Council D73.1.006.02 (decision of the KOA of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) in two specialties - history of philosophy (5.7.2.) and social philosophy (5.7.7), Dissertation Council 6D.KOA-005 (decision of the Higher Attestation Commission at President of the Republic of Tajikistan) in the specialty of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) - doctor in specialty 60050100 - sociology, as well as Dissertation Council D047.019.03 in specialty 23.00.04 - political issues of international relations, global and regional development and 23.00.01 - theory and philosophy of politics , history and methodology of political science.
IFPL NAST strives to continue fundamental scientific research in the fields of philosophy, political science, state and law, sociology, as well as to promote the training of highly qualified scientific personnel in these areas. One of the goals of the IPP NAST is also considered to be the solution to the issue of creating a separate institute - the Institute of State and Law, which is planned according to state programs.
Address: Republic of Tajikistan, 734025, Dushanbe, Rudaki Avenue, 33
Tel 221-77-96
Fax: 221-56-89
Website address: www.ifppanrt.tj