E.N. Pavlovsky Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the NAST is one of the first research institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. It was established in 1941 on the basis of the Sector of Zoology and Parasitology of the Tajik Branch of the AS of the USSR.
Main areas of research of the Institute are;
- comprehensive and in-depth study of the fauna of Tajikistan
- elucidation of the current state of various groups of animals
- definition of the role of animals in different biocenoses
- evaluation of natural focal diseases of the animals
- development of a framework for plant protection and improvement of biological methods of pest management and regulation of agricultural cultures
- hydro fauna study
- formation of biological regime and productivity of water bodies
- study of the history of the formation of the fauna on the basis of paleontological data
- development of measures for the protection and rational use of wildlife resources
The structure of the institute consists of 4 sections:
- ecology of terrestrial vertebrates;
- taxonomy of invertebrates;
- parasitology;
- ichthyology and hydrobiology
During 70 years, E.N. Pavlowsky Institute of Zoology and Parasitology has become a research center that made a significant contribution to the development of zoology in Tajikistan.
In fundamental research in the fauna of Tajikistan, the institute has found 583 species of vertebrates and more than 13 thousand species of invertebrates (including more than 10 thousand species of insects) of which about 800 species are described as new to science, in addition to a lot of endemic and sub-endemic types.
Institute scientists published 18 books (13 volumes) from the series "Fauna of Tajikistan" on individual taxonomic groups of animals: mammals, birds, reptiles, scale insects and beetle, aphids, herbivorous mites. More than 70 monographs and collections, 30 popular science brochures, textbooks for students and school children, about three thousand scientific articles were published.
The staff of the institute made a significant contribution to the study of the systematics of invertebrates, audited many of taxonomic groups, and developed new taxa within the subfamilies and families, created new scientific and theoretical concepts in the field of parasites, phylogeny of some groups of living and fossil mammals.
The Institute has developed integrated system for the protection of cotton, fruit and vegetable crops from harmful arthropods. This provided a major economic effect in the cotton farms of Tajikistan. A significant contribution in the improvement of integrated method of management in recent years, is research on the application of plants against pests and elucidation of nectariferous plants to attract pollinators and beneficial entomophagous. These studies have shown positive results and in future will serve as a base for developing new methods of plant protection products.
Recommendations are given for the protection of rare species, artificial production of some of their representatives and the sustainable use of wildlife resources against blood parasites of livestock and ticks vectors of diseases of feral. A method to obtain and use immunoglobulin against ileriasis cattle was developed.
Parasitologists of the Institute within the framework of the project of the International Scientific and Technical Center conducted research on the integrated study of blood-sucking mosquitoes in the southern regions of Tajikistan. With the support of organized modern laboratories, mosquito infection by malaria parasites is determined; studies are performed for the production of extracts and suspensions of concerned plants and their effectiveness in the fight against mosquitoes. In addition, study of the effectiveness of the use of native species of fish in the fight against blood-sucking Diptera is also performed. Method of determining infection by malaria-carrying mosquitoes ELIZA, which makes it possible to predict an outbreak of malaria in south-western Tajikistan, is approved.
The Institute initiated the publication of the Red Book of Tajikistan in Russian (1988) and Tajik (1997), languages by Editor Academician I.A. Abdusalyamov. In recent years, through systematic research, new data describing the population status of rare and endangered animal species that are the basis for the preparation of second edition of the Red Book of Tajikistan is accumulated.
Training of scientific personnel (16 doctors and 100 candidates), number of publications in various fields of zoology in the institute has increased the importance of research for the national economy of Tajikistan were trained. Currently, the institute has 53 employees, 3 Doctor of Science (including 1 academician of RT) and 16 candidates.
Over 20 years of independence, the Republic of Tajikistan greatly expanded scientific contacts of the institute with the scientific institutions abroad. The Institute established cooperation with the Institute of Developmental Biology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Institute of Medical Parasitology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, International Wildlife Fund U.S. (WCS), International Organization, “Fauna and Flora International” (FFI), Museum of Natural History of UK and fund “Panther”, etc.
At the institute the Zoological Museum displays a variety of animals, mainly vertebrates of Tajikistan, their distribution in the vertical zones and landscaped areas. The museum is unique in its kind and is the only specialized museum of zoological vannym in the country. For the last 50 years, the museum has played a major role in promoting the progress of zoological science, protection of rare and endangered species.
Insufficient knowledge of different taxonomic groups of invertebrates and their importance in ecosystems is the basis of the priorities of zoological research in Tajikistan.
The major tasks of the institute in the coming years are:
- in-depth study of the fauna and biology of poorly studied groups of invertebrates;
- improvement and introduction of integrated pest management of crops in the new economic conditions;
- completion and publication of the next volumes of the "Fauna of Tajikistan";
- preparation of general works, and inventory on separate groups of animals;
- preparation of highly qualified specialists in zoology.
Integrated post management of crops
Landscape ecology and management of pest crops in Tajikistan
Globulin preparation against theileriasis cattle
Zoological museum of the institute (diorama “Tugai”)
734025, Dushanbe city, Republic of Tajikistan, P.O. Box 70,
Tel: (+992 47) 445-30-31