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The use of scientific achievements in practice and production can play a constructive role in the development of today's independent Tajikistan. This was especially emphasized by the Leader of the nation, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during his recent meeting with the representatives of science and education of the country.

The Leader of the nation noted that science is one of the main factors of the country's development, and scientists are a great intellectual resource of the society. Without the contribution of science, it is impossible to develop the economy and increase its competitiveness. The importance of human capital, including a high level of education and culture, is the basis of a country's success. In this sense, science and technology play a key role in ensuring sustainable development and progress of society.

Scientific research and innovation contribute to the solution of many problems facing Tajikistan. They help improve the quality of life, enable sustainable development, and address challenges related to climate change, energy security, and food security. Science has become an engine of progress and helps the country to adapt to new challenges and use its resources effectively.

During the years of independence, many research institutes and scientific centers were established in Tajikistan and ensured comprehensive development of science. Despite the difficulties of the 90s of the last century, the Government of the country was able to maintain and strengthen scientific institutions, which allowed Tajikistan to start the stage of economic development. The Leader of the nation emphasized that without scientific research and implementation of their results in practice in various fields of the economy, including energy, agriculture, industry, etc., it is impossible to achieve high indicators.

Science and technology play a major role in the modernization of the country. The introduction of new technology and scientific achievements allow to improve infrastructure, increase labor productivity and create new jobs. Investing in research and technology development helps create the conditions for innovation and economic growth.

The achievements of science have a direct impact on the quality of life of the population. For example, the development of mobile technology and the Internet, the improvement of health care thanks to new vaccines, and the development of infrastructure are all made possible by scientific research and technological innovation. Many roads, tunnels, bridges and hydroelectric power plants have been built in Tajikistan over the past decades, which has contributed to the unity of the territory and improved transport access.

Innovation in medicine and health care helps to improve the health of the population. The introduction of new medical technology, the development of vaccines and medicines will make it possible to effectively fight against diseases and improve the quality of medical care. The development of telemedicine and digital technologies in the field of health provides better access to medical care for residents of remote areas.

The government of Tajikistan actively supports innovation and scientific potential of the country, increases funding and provides favorable conditions for scientists. This includes the creation of techno parks, the stimulation of public-private partnerships in scientific research and innovation, as well as the introduction of the law on commercialization of the results of scientific and scientific-technical activities.

Special attention is paid to the development of young scientists and the involvement of young people in scientific research. The establishment of scholarships, grants and awards for young scientists will help attract them to scientific activity and stimulate the development of new research. It is also important to create conditions for professional development and professional development of young scientists by providing access to laboratories and modern scientific equipment.

The Leader of the nation noted that despite the support of the state, the results of scientific research do not always meet the requirements of the time. The contribution of science to the country's gross domestic product is only 0.1%, which does not meet the state's needs. To solve this problem, serious reforms are necessary, including restructuring of scientific institutions, increasing the efficiency of their activities and improving the quality of training of scientific personnel.

Cooperation between scientific institutions and production enterprises should also be strengthened. The establishment of joint projects aimed at the introduction of scientific developments in production can help increase the competitiveness of Tajik enterprises and create new jobs. The state should actively support such initiatives and create favorable conditions for their implementation.

Special attention should be paid to the introduction of scientific achievements in the field of agriculture. This is the main industry of Tajikistan and provides food security and employment for a large part of the population. The use of modern agricultural technologies, the development of new types of crops and methods of combating pests and plant diseases can significantly increase the productivity and quality of agricultural products.

Scientific research in the field of water and water resources management also plays an important role. In the context of climate change and scarcity of water resources, effective management of water resources becomes important. Development and implementation of innovative irrigation methods, rational use of water and improvement of water supply infrastructure contribute to sustainable development of agriculture.

Implementation of scientific achievements to industry and energy contributes to the development of these areas and ensures the energy independence of the country. The construction of new hydropower plants, the development of alternative energy sources and the improvement of the energy efficiency of production processes all require a scientific approach and innovative solutions. It is also important to develop energy research aimed at developing new technologies and materials that can be used in the energy sector.

International cooperation in the field of science and technology plays an important role in the development of Tajikistan. Exchange of experience, joint research and participation in international scientific projects allow Tajik scientists to gain access to advanced knowledge and technologies. It is also important to develop partnerships with advanced scientific centers and universities of the world, which contribute to raising the level of education and science in the country.

The use of scientific achievements in practice and production is an integral part of Tajikistan's Development strategy. In the conditions of global competition and rapid technological progress, the country should actively introduce scientific developments in various fields of life in order to ensure sustainable development and high quality of life of its citizens. Attracting young people to science, supporting innovation and efficient use of scientific resources are key tasks to achieve these goals

Tajikistan should continue to invest in science and technology, support young scientists and create conditions for innovative activities. Only in this way, the country can ensure its future and achieve stable economic development, increase the quality of life and prosperity of the nation.

Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Imom Mirahmadi Sharofiddin - Senior specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.