- International Center for Nuclear Physics Research
- Center for Research and Use of Renewable Energy Sources
- Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics
- Quantum Electronics Laboratory
- Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy
- Department of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies, structurally covering 4 divisions:
- Sector of Theoretical Physics
- Laboratory of Crystal Physics
- Laboratory of Physical Acoustics
- Laboratory of Low Temperature Physics and Superconductivity
Cosmic ray research - Pamir experiment
In 1971, on the initiative of the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute), in the Ak-Arkhar tract in the Pamirs, at an altitude of 4360 m above sea level, joint research began with scientists from our Institute to study the interaction of elementary particles and nucleons with nucleons and nuclei at energies above 10¹² eV (Pamir experiment). As part of the experiment, an X-ray emulsion chamber with an area of 1000 m² was installed.
During the Pamir experiment, unique and rare phenomena were observed, such as the “ Sitora ” superfamily , formed by a particle with an energy of the order of 10¹⁷ eV. The interaction energy of particles of primary cosmic radiation of the “Tajikistan” superfamily reached 10¹⁸ eV, which is the highest particle interaction energy recorded in world practice using large X-ray emulsion chambers.
Physics of low temperatures - cryosurgical instruments
Physico-Technical Institute named after. S.U. Umarova, together with the Research Institute of Gastroenterology of the Ministry of Health, has developed a device that allows the use of liquid nitrogen to destroy cancer cells. In 2016, 50 patients suffering from tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases were successfully operated on using new technology under the leadership of Professor S. Akhmedov, and the patients began to recover. To date, more than 300 successful cryosurgery operations have been performed. Previously, this technology was used in cancer centers in Moscow, as well as in the Netherlands, Italy and Japan. This treatment method was not available for Tajikistan.
Atmospheric physics – LiDAR technology
At the Physico-Technical Institute named after. S.U. Umarov NAST direction “Atmospheric Physics” covers research into the state of the atmosphere, parameters affecting climate and the ozone layer, as well as the study of the processes of formation of atmospheric aerosol due to dust storms and monitoring of technogenic atmospheric pollution.
The Institute cooperates with the Institute of Tropospheric Research named after. Leibniz ( TROPOS , Germany) and Lanzhou University (PRC). June 26, 2019 at the Physicotechnical Institute named after. S.U. Umarov NAST installed a global network station for climate research PollyNet ( TROPOS ). On June 6, 2023, another LiDAR station was launched in southern Tajikistan with the support of Lanzhou University to analyze and monitor atmospheric composition. These stations are located within the global dust belt, stretching from Morocco to China.
Physics of nanomaterials - synthesis of nanocrystalline films for new generation solar panels
Several years of joint research by the Institute with leading scientific centers of the world have led to practical results. One of the latest achievements of the Institute is the development of technology and synthesis of nanocrystalline perovskite films for new generation solar cells. In particular, in 2023, samples of perovskite nanofilms of the CsNiX 3 ( X : Cl , Br , I , F ) family with specified properties.