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"National unity is a pillar that keeps our state and nation stable and the sacred duty of all of us is to strengthen this foundation of our national statehood with constructive work."

Emomali Rahmon

It is a blessing that the independent and prosperous Republic under the wise leadership of the President of the country - the Founder of peace and national unity -Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hhonorable Emomali Rahmon, in a short period of time, turned from a war-torn country into a safe and peaceful country and an initiator of water and climate issues at the international level. became as for the economic situation, despite the existing problems, it is gradually developing and is being fully resolved with the adoption of special strategies by the state and government.

The role of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in our peace and unity today is extremely great and unique. We are all witnesses that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, states emerged that were completely independent in terms of political structure, and they faced the most important and fateful tasks of comprehensively strengthening and strengthening the achieved independence.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, individuals entered the political arena and, in order to gain power as quickly as possible with the help of external and internal enemies, caused the outbreak of civil war in our country and the displacement of tens of thousands of civilians. Since 1992, when at the historic and fateful session of the XVI Supreme Council, this son of the nation, the head of the nation, stepped into the arena of state leadership, how this historical figure helped to bring Tajikistan out of the abyss of destruction, to achieve the spiritual and political unity of the country, to bring together groups the opposites and sections of the society fought with loyalty and enthusiasm.

It is thanks to the immense courage and perseverance, high responsibility of patriotism and patriotism and consistent efforts of the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon, that peace and unity were restored in our country in a short historical period, and not a single refugee remained outside the homeland. Therefore, the name of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, was accepted by our society as a Leader of the nation and recognized as a powerful politician in the world. In our opinion, the face and image of His Highness is really the best example of a political face and the best example of the nation. The long-awaited peace and unity came exactly through this courageous man in the suffering and almost fragmented Tajik land, and slowly, little by little, they came together.

Thanks to the national peace and unity, relying on the wisdom of the past, with the full understanding of the responsibility of patriotism and self-awareness, the proud people of Tajikistan under the leadership of their wise, visionary and respected leader Emomali Rahmon strengthened the status and reputation of this ancestral land in the world arena. The construction of huge highways and bridges, the revival of the "Palace of Light" and the raising of hopeful flames, the planting of seeds of hope, the greening of the country, the enjoyment of the light of enlightenment by the younger generation are the good results of this historical achievement of the Tajik nation - national unity.

The development of the society, a peaceful life and the hopes and dreams of every citizen can be realized only if there is peace and stability and national unity. As the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speeches, constantly emphasizes that: "The aspect of protecting the security of the state, stability and peace of the society, further strengthening of independence, freedom, national unity and ensuring the progress and prosperity of the independent Tajikistan", correct understanding of national and state interests, honor and pride of patriotism is very important. In other words, a high sense of nationalism and pride in being a citizen of Tajikistan as a key factor in uniting society should play an effective role in the mind and consciousness of every person."

On June 27, 1997, an important event in the modern history of Tajiks took place.

In a short historical and fateful period for the nation, the wise visionary leader directed all his energy to return the forced migrants, call the opposition for peace and national unity and ensure a safe and peaceful life. Fortunately, he achieved his noble goals. Complete peace and unity reigned in the land of Tajiks, and the construction and creation of society began. This fateful day for the Tajik people did not come easily.

The famous poet, Ustod Loiq Sherali, wrote:

The mercy of our Lord has come,

The Light of Truth came to our land.

Our founding war is over.

Our long-awaited peace has arrived.

The children of the nation, under the wise leadership of the founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon, as a patriot, godly, self-aware, wise and far-sighted, brave and strong, brought the nation out of disunity, the homeland out of danger, and the people out of humiliation and disgrace.

It should be said that the experience and peace formula of Tajiks has been studied in various countries of the world, especially countries where internal conflicts are going on. Peace of Tajiks is considered as an example in international conferences. Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speech in honor of the National Unity Day, emphasized that: "The people of Tajikistan have clearly realized that only in the atmosphere of national peace and unity and through patriotic efforts, their newly independent state can be transformed into a prosperous and developed country. and left a truly developed and civilized country for future generations.

National unity and peacemaking experience of Tajiks are among the most valuable lessons that have been accepted and studied both within the country and at the international level.

It should be noted that peace, national unity and mutual understanding form the axis of development of people's life and progress. Therefore, maintaining peace and stability in everywhere is a civic duty of every noble and honorable person of our land.

Unity is an inextricable process of society's life, and it’s strengthening always requires tireless efforts of society members and all formal and informal organizations and institutions. In the process of strengthening national unity, the contribution of scientists is particularly significant.

As the scientific works of our country's scientists are focused on the most important problems of ensuring security, economic development, and further raising the social, cultural and political level. Depending on the demand of the society, it is necessary to change the scope of vision of scientists. In other words, let's wash our hands of selfishness and ignoring events, temptations, and baseless bigotry, and work diligently and wholeheartedly for the expansion of our independent state. Because we can. Happy National Unity Day, dear friends!

According to the poet:

The honor of the people comes from unity.

Let the family be united.

Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.