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In honor of the 1045th Birth Anniversary of the great Tajik scientist Abuali ibni Sino (Avicenna).

Volume 1

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali

Works: v. 1. 2005. Ed. M. Dinorshoev. Dushanbe, Donish, 2005.

Volume 1 of the Works of Ibn Sina, the great thinker of the 10th-11th centuries. Includes his works "Biography", "Correspondence of Beruni and Ibn Sina", "Danishnama", "Instructions and Advice" and "Illumination". The publication is intended for specialists in the history and theory of philosophy, the history and theory of religion, the history and theory of culture, the history and theory of science, as well as for a wide range of readers.

Volume 2

Editor-in-Chief: T. Mardoni

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali. Dushanbe, Donish, 2005.


Translation from Arabic, introduction and commentary by Saidrahmon Sulaymonov.


This volume contains three works by Ibn Sina: “Hikmat-ul-mashriqiya”, “Hidaya”, “Uyunu-l-hikmat” and eight treatises: “Hudud”, “Andar ishq”, “Andar akhlok”, “Hay ibn Yakzon”, “Salomon and Absol”, “At-Tahir”, “Qasida ayniya” and “Tafsir of the Quran” from Arabic into Russian.

Volume 3

Editor-in-Chief: M. Dinorshoev

Special editors: T. Mardoni, A. Komilov


Translation from Arabic, introduction and commentary by Saidrahmon Sulaymonov. Dushanbe – 2006.


The third volume of Ibn Sina’s “Works” includes translations of the works: on logic, which examines the issues of concepts, judgments, complex syllogisms, proofs, varieties of deductions and analysis of judgments; physics, which explains the subject of physics, the initial principles of science and the substantiality of bodies, examines natural and unnatural phenomena of bodies and the accompanying characteristics of natural bodies (time, motion, place, finiteness and infinity, magnitudes and directions), as well as issues related to the soul; in metaphysics, issues related to being, matter, form, order, cause and effect are addressed; In the section “Mathematical Sciences” there are the following sections covering the issues of studying the foundations of Euclidean geometry – “Geometry”, “Metaphysics”, “Astronomy”, “arithmetic” and “music”.

Volume 4

Ibn Sina, Abu Ali

Works: v.4. 2008. Editors: K. Olimov, T. Mardoni.

Preface: K. Olimova and T. Mardoni. Dushanbe: Donish, 2008.


Volume 4 of Ibn Sina’s “Works” includes selected scientific-philosophical, natural science and medical treatises, translated into Russian for the first time.

Volume 5

Editors in charge: Shamolov A.A. Saifullaev N.M.

Compiler: Kishvar Askardaev

Editor: Privoznova V.D.

Computer typesetting: Askardaeva G.


The encyclopedic work "ash-Shifa" ("Healing") of the great Tajik scientist and thinker Abu Ali ibn Sina occupies a special place in his outstanding scientific and philosophical heritage, because it is a kind of result of his tireless work. A complete translation and publication of this work is being carried out in Tajikistan for the first time. Now respected specialists and a wide range of readers are offered the first part of "ash-Shifa", which sets out the logical views of Ibn Sina.

Volume 6

Editors-in-Chief: Nigmatulla Saifullaev, Abdugafor Sharipov.

Compiler: K.A. Askardaev.


The sixth volume of the Works of Ibn Sina includes the sections "Syllogism" and "Proof" of the logic of the book "Healings". Syllogism and proofs among the five sections of the science of logic Introduction, Categories and On Interpretation form the basis of this science. The book is intended for philosophers, logicians, historians, literary scholars, cultural scientists, natural scientists and all those interested in the problems of ancient and medieval thought.

Volume 7

Author of the preface: A.N. Mukhammad, S. Dzhonboboev

Compiler of the volume: Kishvar Askardaev

Responsible Editors: N.M.Saifullaev and A.Sharinov

Volume 7

Author of the preface: A.N. Mukhammad, S. Dzhonboboev

Compiler of the volume: Kishvar Askardaev

Responsible editors: N.M.Saifullaev and A.Sharinov

Special editors: S. Makhmadulloev, R. Nazariyev, I. Saidov


Translation from Arabic:

"Dialectics" - I. Saidov (p. 1, 3, 4, 5) [Kh. Shoikhtiyorov], I. Saidov (p. 7), R. Nazariyev (p. 2, 5, 6); "Sophistry" - S. Sulaymanov; "Rhetoric" - K. Idrisov, M. Makhshulov; A. Khodjiev (p. 1), I. Saidov (p. 2), S. Makhmadulloev (p. 3), R. Azizov (p. 4); - Summary book or Aruziyeva's wisdom about the concepts of the book "Poetics" - T. Mardoni; Summary book or Aruziyeva's wisdom about the concepts of the book "Rhetoric" - T. Mardoni.

The present, seventh volume of the "Works" of Abu Ali ibn Sina includes logical and philosophical works ("Dialectics", "Rhetoric", "Sophistry" and "Poetics") of the great Tajik thinker, philosopher and physician of the Middle Ages. These works, in terms of the relevance of the logical and epistemological topics discussed, have not lost their significance up to our time. They examine their significance in civil matters, the process of achieving truth by rational thinking, show ways of getting rid of error, lies, liberating the mind from illusion and the movement of thought towards truth.

Volume 8

Translation of the book from Arabic was done by: S. Sulaymonov, R. Z. Nazariyev, I. Saidov, M. Makhshulov, S. Makhmadulloev, R. Azizi.

Editors in charge: R. Z. Nazariyev, M. Makhmadjonova

Introduction – S. Dzhonboboeva.

Compiler: Askardaev K. A.


A - Abu Ali ibn Sina. Works. Healing. T. 8. –

Dushanbe: “Donish”, 2024. 836 p.


The eighth volume of Ibn Sina’s works includes the book “Healing” (“ash-Shifa”) with its branches “On the Causes and Principles of Physics”, “On the Heaven and the World”, “Origin and Destruction” and “Action and Endurance”. The book examines ontological issues of philosophy and natural science, as well as some methodological problems related to the cognition of the world, and included in the teachings of Ibn Sina. These issues have not lost their value for science to this day. The book is intended for philosophers, natural scientists and all those interested in the problems of ancient and medieval thought.

Volume 12

Translated from Arabic: U.I. Karimova, S.M. Mirzaeva, M.A. Salye, A. Rasuleva

Editor: Abdugafor Sharipov

Abu Ali ibn Siya (Avicenna).


"Works". Vol. 12. Canon of Medicine: Book One.

The book contains general theoretical issues of medicine and consists of four main parts: on the definition of the concept of medicine; on diseases, their general causes and manifestations; on maintaining health; on methods of treatment in general.


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Volume 13

Translated from Arabic: Yu. N. Zavadovsky and S. Mirzaev

Editors in charge: U. A. Kurbanov, H. S. Dodariyon

Compiler: K. A. Askardaev

Computer set: G. Askardaeva

Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna).


"Works". Vol. 13. Canon of Medical Science: Book Two.

The second book contains pharmacognosy and consists of two parts. The first part examines general theoretical issues of pharmacognosy, rules and guidelines for choosing, methods of collecting and storing medicines. The second part provides more than 800 names of medicines of plant, animal and mineral origin, as well as information on the benefits and harms of these products.

Volume 14

Translated from Arabic by Yu.N. Zavadovsky and S. Mirzaev

Editors in charge: U.A. Kurbanov, H.S. Dodariyon

Compiled by: Kishvar Askardayev

Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna).


Works. Volume 14. Canon of Medicine: Book Three. Part One.

On specific human diseases, from the crown of the head to the toes.

The third book of the "Canon of Medicine" entitled "On specific human diseases from the crown of the head to the toenails" examines individual human diseases, the course of diseases and methods of their treatment. In particular, it describes diseases in neurology, endocrinology, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory tract, as well as the alimentary, urinary and motor tracts