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Water is life,

There is water, land, cultivation and work.

The product of all worlds,

It is due to the existence of grace water.

Indeed, water is the source of existence of all creatures in the world. Water is a great resource that gives freshness, beauty, greenness and freedom to the reality of the world and life. The existence of flowers and plants, animals and plants, plants and humanity, especially peaceful and prosperous life, freedom and prosperity all depend on water. People use water for drinking, cooking, washing houses, cleaning streets, and irrigating land. Also, a person drives boats and ships on waterways and carries all kinds of cargo and passengers. The cascading water drives turbines and generates electricity. With the force of high water, the stone wheel of the mill, the handles of the water dispenser move. No industry can function without water. Water is used in factories and plants for the preparation of dyes, fabric dyeing, leather processing, paper, soap, baking, and various beverages.

Man cannot live without water. Even most of the weight of the human body consists of water. A person uses water in all moments of his life. Water protects a person from dirt and impurity, from diseases and pains. Water is the main source of vegetables, plants and animals that humans always need. Even the moisture of the earth comes from water, without which no plant or flower can grow.

We Tajiks should always be proud of the abundance of our great land. Tajikistan is rich in water resources, it has almost 7000 glaciers, 155 lakes of various sizes, tens of thousands of natural and mineral water springs and many reservoirs. This great resource, which is the basis of man, is water. Life cannot be sustained without water.

Since ancient times, in books, water is considered as the main source of life. Four elements are sacred in life: water, earth, fire, wind, which all beings in the world need.

According to Omar Khayyom:

We are all from fire, water, wind and dust.

If these four things don't happen, we will all perish.

Since we know that water is the basis of life for all living things in the world, then we have a duty to respect this great source as the basis of existence, the light that illuminates, the organizer of the world of existence, keep it clean and tidy, and do not allow anyone to pollute this great miracle, throw garbage or any other it is permissible to act improperly against it, because:

Because of the stream from which the water is clean,

You should not dig stones and soil in it,

Keeping water clean and considering it sacred, honoring every drop of this great miracle is the duty of every cultured person, because water is considered not only as a source of prosperity, but also as a source of light.

Water is a gem more precious than rubies.

The purity of every drop of it is the purity of goodness.

There is water and there is prosperity, they say in tradition. Water is the source of growth and development of all the creatures of the world. It is water that a person breathes even on the verge of death after drinking a drop of it. It is water, from which flowers and plants get their color, smell, freshness and vitality. Life has no meaning without water.

Life is based on the existence of water. Unfortunately, some thoughtless people deliberately pollute the waters. Household garbage is thrown on the banks of rivers and canals and pollutes them. Water is used indiscriminately, which will harm the health of the population and the inhabitants of the planet. Thus, keeping it clean and not polluting every drop of water is considered a sacred duty of every Muslim person.

In short, according to the words of the Great Prophet Rasul Akram, "Water is truly a purifier and the basis of existence, so that nothing can make it impure."

Therefore, water should be taken care of and kept clean.

In order to protect nature, especially water resources, from the negative effects of man and society, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the Founder of Peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, Honorable President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, from the first days of coming to power, has been concerned with the environmental protection of the country, the region and the world is showing great interest. Due to the importance of environmental issues, changes and additions have been made to most of the nature protection laws during the years of Independence of the Republic. At the same time, more than 40 laws on ecology and natural resources have been adopted in this direction.

With the initiative and contribution of the Republic of Tajikistan, in March 1993, together with the leaders of the Central Asian countries, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea was established. In 2002, in order to resolve the issue related to the water and environmental issues of the Aral Sea, a meeting of the Heads of States of Central Asia was held in Dushanbe and at this conference, the chairmanship of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea from 2002 to 2008 was entrusted to the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon.

Water is the first and inevitable source of satisfying basic human needs, primarily for health protection, safe food supply, cleanliness and preservation of ecosystems on our planet.

In other words, water is the source of life and the main component of sustainable development. Therefore, it is very important to consider water as the most important socio-economic factor and manage it within the framework of today's socio-economic reality.

On December 14, 2022, the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the support of 153 member countries, accepted the 5th international initiative of the Leader of the nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon in the field of water and climate. According to this resolution, 2025 was declared as the International Year for the Protection of Glaciers, and from the beginning of 2025, March 21 will be celebrated every year as World Glacier Day. Also, in accordance with this resolution, the United Nations, under the coordination of the Secretary-General of this organization, establishes a special trust fund, that is, an international special trust fund for the protection of glaciers.

Thus, the Republic of Tajikistan under the leadership of the Founder of Peace and national unity- Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, has come up with environmental initiatives of a global character and is making a valuable contribution to the protection of regional and global natural resources.

Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Нead of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

Saidov Davlatyor Mahmadsalimovich - Leading specialist of the Department for the implementation of scientific achievements in production of the Presidium of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.