Library history
The Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan was founded in 1933. The creation of the library dates back to the organization of the Tajik base of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the first chairman of which was Academician S.F. Oldenburg.
Since the early 30s of the 20th century, systematic research work began in Tajikistan, which was carried out by scientists of the USSR Academy of Sciences in the form of complex expeditions, the tasks of which included studying the history and culture of the Tajik people, the natural resources of the republic, the creation of stationary research centers and training scientific personnel. These expeditions, which united geographers, geologists, botanists, zoologists, surveyors, economists, and scientists of other specialties, collected colossal primary material, which then served as the basis for a systematic and targeted scientific search. A lot of work has been done to study the flora and fauna of Tajikistan, to identify its hydropower, mineral and fuel resources, and prospects for the development of new land and industrial development of the republic based on the use of its subsoil have been outlined. The results of the expeditions were heard and discussed by a commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and a decision was made to organize the Tajik base of the USSR Academy of Sciences for permanent research work on the territory of the republic.
In the early years, the library's book collections were replenished with books donated by scientists working in Tajikistan at that time. Books from the personal library of Professor B. A. Fedchenko were among the first to arrive. Until 1936, the fund consisted of 6 thousand volumes, and in 1937 the library received 5,500 books by Academician S.F. Oldenburg. In 1951 it contained about 90 thousand volumes, and in 1954 - more than 150 thousand, and the fund increased every year.
International book exchange played a significant role in increasing the stock of foreign literature. Receiving foreign publications through international book exchange was one of the most profitable forms of international cooperation in the field of science and culture. The International Book Exchange (IEB) was of great importance, since, firstly, it served to provide scientists of Tajikistan with the latest foreign scientific publications, and secondly, it contributed to the popularization of the scientific achievements of our republic abroad.
The ICE began in 1955, and the first contacts in the field of international book exchange were established with the academies of sciences of Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Yugoslavia, with the Entomological Society of Czechoslovakia and the library of the Polish Entomological Society; 155 copies were received from these seven organizations. units books and magazines.
In 1985, the library paid significant attention to improving international book exchange with countries of the foreign East. Book exchange partners include organizations and scientific institutions in Turkey, Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan and other countries. Strong book exchange ties were established with academies and scientific organizations of socialist countries, from which more than 1,900 copies were received in 1980. units Relations with partners in capitalist countries expanded and strengthened: for example, in the USA - 28? in England - 8, in France - 6 institutions and organizations conducting an active book exchange with the Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR.
Library structure
The library has an administrative apparatus, its structure includes 12 departments:
1. Acquisition department. The task of the department: complete replenishment of the library’s fund with scientific literature and information materials from domestic and foreign publications.
2. Department of cataloging and systematization of literature. The task of the department: implementation of state standards in the direction of cataloging and classification of literature included in the reserve, preparation of traditional and electronic catalogs and presentation of them for use by readers.
3. Service department. The task of the department is to provide library and bibliographic services to library readers.
4. Department of bibliographic information. Objective: providing written and oral information and satisfying readers’ information and bibliographic needs.
5. Information department. The task of the department is to introduce modern information and communication technologies into the activities of the library.
6. Department of scientific bibliography. The task is to prepare bibliographic and bio-bibliographic aids.
7. Department of Foreign Literature. The task is to create, preserve and popularize foreign literature in the sciences of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, oriental studies, art history, literary criticism, linguistics and other sciences in Arabic, Persian, French, German, English and other languages. published in foreign languages.
8. Department of rare books. The mission of the department is to preserve rare and scientific books and treatises.
9. Department for storing domestic literature. The task of the department is to preserve books and information materials on all areas of knowledge published in the state language and other languages of the CIS countries.
10. Depository department. The task of the department is to preserve books and information materials that are in little demand and stored in the library.
11. Technical department. The task of the department is to ensure the safety and sanitary condition of book collections, library departments and provide the library with technical means and necessary working materials.
12. Administrative department. The task of the department is to regulate the activities of the library, select and place personnel and ensure control of their activities in the library.
Library tasks
- providing users with a collection of domestic and foreign documents of scientific importance through all types of print media: traditional (printed publications), electronic (on computers, CDs), audio (audiobooks), virtual (access to Internet resources);
- library, information, information and bibliographic services to citizens, government agencies, research institutions, teachers and students of universities and institutes of Tajikistan, domestic manufacturing enterprises;
- scientific processing and access to the Library’s funds through a system of traditional and modern electronic catalogs, the creation of electronic libraries, information sources and data funds, the organization of free access to them and other domestic and foreign information resources, participation in information exchange;
- organization and management of the depository of domestic and foreign scientific and technical literature;
- organization and promotion of research and practical activities in the field of bibliography, librarianship, bibliography and book history;
- organization and implementation of modern information and communication technologies in the field of librarianship;
- expansion of direct connections with libraries of the country and foreign countries;
- participation in the development and implementation of state programs for the development of library activities;
- participation in international cooperation in the field of librarianship;
- carrying out other types of activities that correspond to the goals and objectives of the Library Regulations.
Information technology in the library
Since 2017, the Academic Library has been working on a project to preserve and access rare books stored in the library by digitizing them.
In Tajikistan, there is a clear tendency to actively use the capabilities of information telecommunication technologies in providing scientific research and in the activities of libraries. The number of requests in the electronic catalog is increasing, the number of visits to the electronic library is increasing, including users from abroad.
The library consciously forms a policy for the implementation of electronic projects; the use of electronic versions of information sources is a necessity today, and the library makes efforts to provide access to them on-line. At the same time, the library serves virtual readers through its website https://acadlib.org/, which promotes the scientific heritage of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. It contains the latest information in the field of science, e-books, scientific achievements, electronic versions of printed library works, which can be widely used by users. To expand virtual access to domestic documentary sources, the library joined the international project World Digital Library.
Scientific publication library
During the period of “Daler Nabidzhanovich Pachadzhanov” (2017. 154 p.); “Kayumov Nuriddin” (2017. 198 p.); “Safiev Khaidar Safievich” (2017. 120 p.); “Yakubova Muhiba Mukhsinovna” (2017. 96 p.); “Abdulhak Rajabovich Fayziev” (2018. 107 p.); “Donishmandi Sohibnazar” (2018. 114 pp., 2023. 148 pp.); “Zafar Djuraevich” (2018. 188 p.); “Izatullo Navruzovich Ganiev” (2018. 272 pp., 2023. 548 pp.); “Nazarov Talbak Nazarovich” (2018. 130 p.); “Akhmedov Hakim Munavvarovich” (2019. 144 p.); “Rahmonzoda Abdujabbor” (2019. 151 p.); “Abdullaev Abdumanon” (2020. 91 p.); “Aliev Kurbon” (2020. 125 p.); “Mu'ammad Osimi” (2020. 280 p.); “Ogonazar Aknazarov” (2020. 155 p.); “Pulat Babajanovich Babajanov” (2020. 123 p.); “Rakhim Masov” (2020. 134 p.); “Gafurov Bobodzhan” (2021. 540 pp.); “Mirzo Mulloahmad” (2021. 189 p.); “Nabiev Abduholik Mirzoevich” (2021. 159 p.); “Saidov Abdusattor” (2021. 176 p.); “Sattorzoda Abdunabi” (2021. 247 p.); “Boboev Toshboy Boboevich” (2022. 145 pp.); “Tojiddin Nuriddin Mardoni” (2022. 165 p.); “Khikmat Khisoriev” (2022. 252 p.); “Abulkhaev Rakib Abulkhaevich” 168 (2023. 146 p.); “Mamadsho Ilolov” (2023. 200 pp.); “Iskandarov Kosimsho” (2023. 138 p.); “Askarali Radjabov” (2023. 219 p.), etc.