Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki is one of the oldest scientific Iinstitutions in NAST. Its establishment is related to the establishment of the Tajik base of AS of the USSR. On 17th of March 1932 year, the Department of History and Linguistics began to operate as part of the Tajik Base, by the Decision of the Board of AS of the USSR. The implementation of philological research in Tajikistan was facilitated by the arrival of a group of well-known Russian Orientalists and their active participation in the work of the department: E.E. Bertels, I.S. Braginsky, A.A. Semenov, M.S. Andreev, V.S., Rastorgueva, A.Z. Rosenfeld, I.M. Oransky, V.A. Livshits, A.P. Smirnova, I. Edelman, R.L. Nemenova, L.V. Uspenskaya, N.N. Ershov and others.
In 1940, the Institute of History, Language and Literature was established on the basis of the History and linguistics department, which as an independent scientific Institution was included in the structure of the Tajik Department of the AS of the Russian Academy of Sciences. After the establishment of the AS of the Tajik SSR in 1951, by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic, an independent Institute of Language and Literature was established with four scientific and research departments: language, classical literature, Soviet literature and dictionaries.
Since 1955, a new section - the museum of Sadriddin Aini began to operate at the Institute. In 1958, on the occasion of the 1100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Persian-Tajik literature, Abu Abdullah Rudaki, the Institute was named after him. Famous scientists of the republic, associate member of NAST, candidate of philological sciences M.F. Fozilov (1952-1958), doctor of philological sciences, professor H.M. Mirzozoda (1958-1959), associate member of NAST, candidate of philological sciences N.A. Masumi ( 1959-1972), associate member of NAST, candidate of philological sciences AM. Nazarzoda (2005-2011), Doctor of Philosophy, Academician Akbar Tursun (2012-2015), Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Member of NAST Rahmatullozoda Sakhidod (2015-2019), Academician Nasirjon Salimi (2019), N.I. .f. Boymurad Sharifzoda (2020-2021), doctor of philological sciences, professor Farangis Sharifzoda (2022 until now) were the heads of the Institute.
The Institute has rich Funds, in which have been collected the rare materials on Tajik language styles, modern Tajik language, oral creativity of the Tajik people and archival heritage of Tajik writers of the 20th century. For example, the Institute's folklore Fund consists of a catalog containing one million pages and is a source of scientific research. The Institute also has a personal archive of outstanding teachers of speech, such as A. Lohuti, M. Rahimi, M. Aminzoda, A. Dehoti, P. Tolis, H. Yusufi, J. Ikromi, F. Niazi, S. Ulughzoda, on the basis of which the works of these writers were prepared for publication.
The Union of Literary Museums operates under the Institute, which is the Literary Museum of S. Aini (1955), museum of M. Rahimi (1968), literary museum of M. Aminzoda in Khujand (1976), literary museum of M. Tursunzoda (1978), museum of A. Lohuti (1980) and Mumin Qanoat literary museum in Darvaz district (2023).
The library of the Institute has two Founds of books: the main collection, which has more than 10,000 copies of artistic, scientific, scientific and popular books, and the exchange collection, which consists of 1,000 copies of books. Institute of Language and Literature named after A. Rudaki NAST has 5 departments; department of history of literature, department of modern Tajik literature, department of Tajik language, department of cultural studies and terminology and department of folklore.
Information on the main areas of scientific activity
The Institute conducts research in the fields of folklore, language, history of literature, modern literature, vocabulary and terminology in seven state projects:
1. "Research on issues of interpretative and bilingual cultures" (2021-2025).
SRN # 0121TJ1300, project manager candidate of philological sciences
Kholmatova S.
2. "Issues of form, genre and textual studies in modern Tajik literature (XX-XXI
centuries)" (2021-2025). SRN #0121TJ1299, project leader: candidate of
philological sciences Behruz Zabehullo.
3. "Study of Tajik Persian literature (from the Ancient Era to the XV century)"
(2021-2025). SRN #0121TJ1298, project leader: doctor of philological
sciences Yusufov U.,
4. Development of vocabulary and terms of the Tajik language (in three
historical periods) (2021-2025). SRN#0121TJ1302, project leader: candidate
of philological sciences Mirzoev S.
5. "Compendium of Tajik folklore" (2022-2026). SRN #0121TJ1301, project
leader: candidate of philological sciences Majnunov A.
Scientific achievements of the Institution at the time of Independence
The great achievement of the scientists of the Institute is the development and publication of fundamental scientific and research works, such as "History of Soviet Tajik Literature" in 6 volumes, "Compendium of Tajik Folklore" in 7 volumes, "Culture of the Tajik Language" in two volumes, "Essays on the History of Tajik Literature" in 12 volumes. , "Southern dialects of the Tajik language" in five volumes, "Tajik–Russian dictionary", "Russian to Tajik dictionary", "Interpretive culture of the current Tajik language", research series on the history of the Tajik language, academic edition of the works of S. Ainy, A. Lohuti and other representatives of classical and modern Tajik literature. The publication of the new "Spelling of the Tajik language" was an important stage in the scientific activity of the linguists of the Institute.
Implementation of the results of scientific and research work in practice or production
The scientific staff of the Institute is in constant contact with the Language and Terminology Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Culture, the Radio and Television Committee, the Center for Islamic Studies, Universities and Institutes, the Tajik National Encyclopedia and other internal scientific Institutions, on issues of norms and spelling of the Tajik language, literary heritage of ancestors, national values and customs, teaching and writing of textbooks, creating educational programs for secondary and higher schools contribute.
Scientific staff in various Tajik radio and television programs on important topics of linguistics and literature, folklore issues, unity, Independence, state symbols, books and bibliography, national and ancestral holidays, etc. provide comprehensive reports.
The results of the scientific work of the Institute's scientists lay the groundwork not only for the development of fundamental works in the fields of linguistics and literature, but also in the practice of teaching in higher schools, in special lectures, courses and seminars, in the preparation of textbooks and teaching manuals for higher and secondary schools of the country, methodical guidelines, recommendations are used to improve the level of education in Tajikistan.
Publishing activity
In the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki of NAST, publishing activities are well established. Every year, the Institute plans the books and monographs of scientific workers and recommends their publication according to the plan. During the period of Independence, since 1991, scientists have published more than 350 books and 2740 scientific-public articles. Also, at the Institute, the scientific journal "Sukhanshinosi" is published, which is included in the list of journals subject to approval by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Russian Federation. 4 issues of it are published annually. The magazine includes scientific articles of not only scientific workers and degree seekers of the Institute, but also teachers and employees of various Institutions of our country.
Training of scientific personnel
The National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan adopted the "State program for the training of high-level scientific personnel for 2021-2030" in order to increase the intellectual and analytical abilities of the new scientific generation, to train high-level scientific personnel and to adapt them to the requirements of the scientific and educational services market. directed.
The program was developed based on the principles and requirements established in the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030 regarding the long-term development prospects of the science and education system of the republic.
In it, first of all, has been provided the principles of extensive training of scientific personnel, which ensures the competitiveness of the country's economy, the system of training competitive scientific personnel in the labor market, the creation of innovative capacity for scientific development, and the formation of knowledge and skills necessary for sustainable development, are prioritized. The high-level scientific personnel for the fields of natural, exact, technical, medical, agricultural, humanities and social sciences are prepared in the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, branch academies, scientific and research Institutions subordinate to ministries and agencies, Institutions of higher professional education of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudakii NAST is a scientific and research institution under the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, which every year makes a significant contribution to the training of scientific personnel.
In the 2023-2024 academic year, there were engaged 20 degree researchers in scientific research at the Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature of NAST . 12 people completed the master's degree and 5 people completed the PhD degree. 14 people are studying at the first level of master's degree and 23 people are studying at the second year of master degree. Present day 3 people are studying in the first year, 8 people are studying in the second year and 2 people studying in the third year of doctor PhD level.
Scientific cooperation with branch scientific Institutions and Institutions of higher education of the Republic
Cooperation in order to coordinate scientific-research works mainly with the department of Tajik language of the faculty of Asian and European languages of TNU, the faculty of philology of TNU, the department of theory and practice of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the department of Tajik language of the National Academy of Sciences named after M. Tursunzoda, the State Institution "National Library of Tajikistan", the department of theory and the history of literature of TSPU named after S. Ayni.
International scientific cooperation
The Rudaki Institute of Language and Literature of NAST cooperates with International Institutions such as Termiz State University, Faculty of Tajik Language and Literature, Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Austrian Institute of Iranian Studies, the Rudaki Conference of Paris (France), the center of the Mavlono Foundation, as well as the Ferdowsi Center of Wisdom The Islamic Republic of Iran.
Prospects of scientific activity of the Institution
Today, there are only two departments in the Institute of Language and Literature for researching the fundamental issues of Tajik linguistics and, in particular, researching the Tajik language: the department of the Tajik language, the department of cultural studies and terminology which was established in 2022, and its scientific project started in 2024 year. These departments bear the main burden of basic scientific research on linguistics.
Now that the restructuring of the Institutions of the Academy of Sciences is being discussed at the suggestion of the Leader of the Nation– the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, it would be good to consider the issues of expanding basic scientific research on the Tajik language – our State language and mother tongue should be reviewed and at least four other departments for researching linguistic issues should be established in the structure of the Institute. These departments can be:
- Department of modern Tajik literary language;
- Department of language history;
- Department of dialectology and nomenclature;
The issue of revising the structures of the Institute of Language and Literature named after Rudaki at the meeting of the academic staff of the departments of history of literature, modern literature and folklore in the light of the Instructions given by the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon, in his speech at the meeting with scientists and citizens of the country on March 18, 2020, and was thoroughly discussed, taking into account the position of the Institute's management.