Institute of Chemistry was established on September 1, 1946 by one of the organizers and the permanent director of the Institute for 25 years, was a disciple of the outstanding Russian scholar A.E. Favorsky, Doctor of Chemistry, Academician of Tajik SSR, Honored Scientist of the Tajik SSR, Professor V.I. Nikitin. The government, taking into account the merits of V.I. Nikitin in 1977 awarded him the name of the Institute of Chemistry. From 1971 to 1987 Director of the Institute was elected Academician I.U. Numanov, from 1987 to 2003 Academician U.M. Mirsaidov, and since 2003 till 2014 the Institute is headed by Academician D.H. Khalikov. From April 10, 2014 until now Institute lead by professor Zayniddin Kamarovich Muhidinov.
The main task of the Institute of Chemistry during its creation was a chemical study of natural resources of Tajikistan and the application of the obtained results for the industries of the republic of Tajikistan.
Analyzing the 20-year period of the research activities of the Institute of Chemistry, it should be noted that in the early 90s the Institute was working in a very challenging environment. Began in 1991, the outflow of scientists in the educational, industrial and commercial areas as well as outside of Tajikistan, and continued in subsequent years, until 1998 significantly decreased funding and logistical support to basic research. Due to the outflow of scientists and lack of specialists, and especially with the departure of the leaders of the research, who also were heads of the laboratories, in the period of 1991-1999. Six laboratories have been closed at the Institute. In these circumstances we had to face critical issues of reform of the steel structure, combining topics, focused on solving scientific problems, especially for the needs of the country, search for extra-budgetary funding sources, maintaining existing staff and training of doctors and candidates of sciences.
The subject of the main concerns of the Institute, and the Academy of Sciences, throughout its existence, was the preparation of highly qualified personnel. This work in the second half of the 50-ies of the last century, led by the president of the Academy of Sciences Sulton Umarovich Umarov. It should be noted the exceptional role of scientists USSR Academy of Sciences and Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov in the preparation of the scientific staff of the Institute for Chemistry. Among them are world famous scientists, such as Academicians I.P. Alimarin, Y. Buslaev, A.P. Vinogradov, G.G Devyatikh, B.P. Zhukov, V.A. Kargin, F.A. Kuznetsov, N.A. Plate, A.B. Ronov, academician of AMS M.D. Mashkovskii, corr. RAS V.P. Shibayev, Professor V.N Vigdorovich, T.N. Dimova, A.B. Kostyanovsky, and many others.
For the preparation of academic staff played an important role in the entry of the Republic of Tajikistan to the coverage zone of VAK Russia and organization at the Institute of Chemistry of the two thesis councils for conferring the degree of Doctor (Chairman – Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Mirsaidov U.M.) and Candidate of Sciences (chairman candidate – Corr member of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan Khalikov D.H), which operated from 1991 until the end of 2000, and the last two councils, combined into the doctor’s council in four specialties since 2001 until now. Through these efforts, for the period 1991-2010 years the Institute trained 45 doctors and 282 candidates of sciences. This allowed almost completely update the staff of the now existing laboratories and universities to provide highly qualified and various branches of the national economy of the republic.
Solution of personnel matters and repeated wage increase from the government stimulated the formulation of the new studies, particularly those which were necessary for the needs of the republic.
The most important scientific results obtained at the Institute of Chemistry in the last ten-year period include: development of new corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys for the needs of the machine-building complex of the republic; Study of corrosion-electrochemical behavior of iron – aluminum alloys doped with gallium, indium and thallium in a saline environment, which allows you to get both the anode alloys for cathodic protection and corrosion-resistant alloys; established the possibility of using zeolites and granites of Tajikistan as a raw material for the porcelain industry, as well as in the production of coagulants for the purification of drinking water and wastewater; proposed technological scheme of processing of mudstone, zeolites, kaolin clays, danburites, getting cryolite-alumina concentrate from the aluminum industry waste and the local mineral raw materials; extraction technology development of thallium during metallurgical processing of antimony-mercury mine concentrates of Jijikrutsky mineral assets , as well as the study of the flotation of phosphorus ore beneficiation technology Karatag field; the development of combined technologies of processing of gold-antimony-mercury ore deposits Jijikrutsky, refractory gold ores Chore and Tarf; development of inversion- voltammetric methods for determining mercury in natural waters and setting the optimal conditions for the simultaneous determination of micro concentrations copper, lead, bismuth, cadmium and zinc on the mercury-Foil silver electrode in fluoride, barium different purity by stripping voltammeter; testing of conditions the introduction of functional groups in the 1 and 6 position of galactose in the general scheme of obtaining “Linkometsin” drug; receive a number of derivatives triazintion by the reaction of the latter with thionyl chloride and hydrazine hydrate; synthesis method development 2-(5-amino-1,3,4-tiadizol-2-ilsulfid)-6-chlor-7-metil-5-okso-1,3,4-tiadizol[3,2-а]pirimidin; study the reactivity of the amine moiety in the synthesis of new heterocyclic systems; development of the method for determining cholesterol in the blood and other biological fluids by gas-liquid chromatography, which is of great importance for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular and hepatobiliary systems.
Developed: a method for removing heavy and toxic elements from the living body using matrix of different low methoxilated pectin. Application of new method for pectin hydrolyzate solution purification by ultra filtration; and method of preparing a binder composition based on cottonseed oil processing (cotton hydra) for use in road construction. For the purpose of drug delivery system (DDS) to the gut, drug encapsulation was conducted in the form of hydrogel microspheres and emulsion micro particles using natural polymers pectin, zein and whey lactoglobulins. Showing DDS prolonged therapeutic effect with a single application and no fluctuations in the concentration of their blood. Experimentally and clinically found that DS have the ability to exert a pronounced bactericidal activity against pathogens of acute intestinal infections. DS in combination with an antibiotic treatment accelerates intestinal infections.
In the last decade the Institute of Chemistry has developed 14 proposals for the use in the industries and enterprises of Tajikistan. Thus seven developments introduced into production. So, on the Tajik Aluminum Plant introduced methods for producing ferrosilicon and iron from waste production to the overall economic effect of about 1 million US dollars. Production of coagulants has been arranged for water purification. On the basis of the Institute of Chemistry developed the technology of cryolite-alumina concentrate waste from the aluminum industry and local minerals (nepheline syenite, siallite and fluorite) Tajik Aluminum Plant was built and put into operation shop for processing aluminum waste. Development of Institute of Chemistry on creation of membranes implemented in PO “Tajiktekstilmash” for mass production of gas meters, and a method for purifying and stabilizing the transparency of wines with local bentonite and polymeric materials at AOOT “Dushanbe”, with the economic effect of 65 thousand somoni. For the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Tajikistan has developed a technology of neutralization of liquid missile fuel, prepared by complex regulations and carried out their complete disposal; together with Tajikfarminvest based on local medicinal plants developed ointment “Orion” for the treatment of burns and inflammation, as well as technology for producing oil, “Amaranth”. Received “Tajikgosstandart” license to conduct analytical work on the eight areas of chemistry. Seven developments of Chemistry Institute have been included in the “Program of introduction of scientific and technological achievements of the results in industrial production of the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2010-2015.”, Approved by the Government of the Republic. Many of the proposals of the Institute of Chemistry included in the list of collaborative innovation work with the Institute of Chemistry companies in Dushanbe, approved by the mayor’s office in Dushanbe.
In these years at the Institute of Chemistry held 12 international and republican scientific-practical conferences and seminars. Conducted conferences contributed to the establishment of creative contacts, formulation of joint research and in general had a positive impact on the overall level of research conducted at the Institute. Thus, from 2003 to 2016 Institute of Chemistry through International Centre for Science and Technology (ISTC) made agreements and fulfilled scientific – research works on 10 Project of more than two million dollars. During the same period, the work carried out under grants with the countries of the European Union, NATO, Russia and other countries for more than 200 thousand dollars. In frame of the Fulbright scholarship program funded by US Deptartment of State six PhD scientist of the Institute have visited and carried out joint research work in the different universities of the United States. With the support of the German Academic Exchange Programme were trained ten young scientists who are at the same time to perform the necessary studies on the unique scientific equipment. The presence of extra-budgetary funding, the ability to travel at the expense of the host country sharply raised the level of R&D at the Institute, have increased the number of publications in the prestigious international scientific journals, contributed to the establishment of scientific relations with foreign counterparts, providing the Institute with new modern equipment. Employees of the Institute, especially the younger generation, are parties almost in every major international congresses, conferences, symposia, became members of the organizing committees of many international events and the members of the editorial board of chemical journals.
Currently (2014), in the Institute of Chemistry are functioning eight Laboratories, leading scientific research on the problems of organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry, and macromolecular chemistry.
The Institute research activates focused in the following priority areas: development of corrosion-resistant materials for the needs of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Tajikistan; complex processing of mineral resources and industrial wastes; obtaining biopolymers of industrial wastes and their complexes to create new materials for the food industry and medicine; Geochemistry of sedimentary process, the use of atomic emission, electrochemical and other methods for the analysis of natural and technical materials; Development of scientific basis of deep processing of coal technology of Tajik depression and synthesis of useful organic product.
The most important scientific results obtained at the Institute of Chemistry in the last decade include:
New corrosion-resistant aluminum alloys were developed for the needs of machinery complex of the country. Zinc-aluminum alloys (Zn5Al, Zn55Al, Zn + 0.5% Al) of rare earth and alkaline earth metals such as modifying additives intended as an anode coating and a tread for protection of steel structures and articles against corrosion. These developments are protected by small patents of the Republic of Tajikistan (TJ199, TJ276, TJ309, TJ310, TJ 312, TJ317-319, TJ342, TJ 451, TJ 465, TJ510, TJ602 TJ 604 and others. Ganiev I.N., Eshov B.B., Obidov .R. and others.)
The technology was developed of multi-casting aluminum alloys with guaranteed using a modified structure as alloying additives alkaline earth (barium, strontium), rare earth (cerium, praseodymium, neodymium) metal and antimony. The alloys are protected by small patent of the Republic of Tajikistan. №TJ 712 (Ganiev I.N., and others. Among the developed alloys by casting can be made spare parts for cars, tractors, agricultural machines, water pumps, etc.
The technological scheme of production of pectin polysaccharides was developed to process a variety of fruit and vegetable waste, including new technology for purification of pectin solution by ultrafiltration. These technologies are patented (EA Eurasian Patent 016871, Ukrainian patent UA 70046 (Muhidinov ZK, Liu LS, Fishman M.L.), , TJ 197 (Muhidinov ZK), the TJ 290 and UA70047( Muhidinov ZK, Khalikov DH, Gorshkova RM and the TJ 563 (the TJ 563, Dzhonmurodov A., et al) and implemented the pilot workshop of the Institute and the TJ 197 patent (Muhidinov ZK) was introduced on the basis of PAPO “Shakhrinav” the Republic of Tajikistan.
Pharmacological studies have proved high sorption activity of sunflower pectin microgels with respect to the lead and copper ions as compared with activated charcoal and polifepanom. The other studieshave shown that the addition of oligosaccharides in the apple helps to reduce alcohol intoxication in mice and speeds up the recovery of animals.
Pectin as food additives is allowed by Pharmacopoeia Committee of the RT Ministry of Health (Pharmacopeia HM of RT 230021-14 dated March, 2014 г) as a semi product for the preparation of functional food (food supplements) and medicinal products.
In 2013-2014 in addition to the development and adaptation of new and high-tech methods in the production of various pectins, scientist of the Institute conducted market research on the pectin production and its products.
Concentrated aqueous solutions (above 7%) of the cellulose as a hydrogel have been proposed as an ointment in the ultrasound abdominal investigations. Testing of hydrogels shows the same properties of the imported hydrogels currently used in clinics in the Republic of Tajikistan.
A thallium associated extraction technology was developed at the metallurgical processing of antimony-mercury Jijikrutsky mine concentrates. The process of extracting gold from poor balance ores (Small Patent TJ592 and Tj 693 Samikhov Sh.R., Zinchenko Z.A.).
Biosorption by mushrooms of antimony and mercury were studied from mercury-antimony concentrates. Experiments on the biosorption of metals showed that all tested microorganisms have adsorbed mercury to 31.1% and antimony to 60.4%. High sorption activity showed mushroom species Acremonium sp.H-6 and Stachybotrys hartarum I-2.
The staff of the laboratory of chemistry of heterocyclic compounds actively conducted the synthesis and study of biologically active derivatives of pyrimidine and imidazolthiodiazoles. Low toxicity and high antimicrobial activity of derivatives of fluorinated derivatives of these heterocyclic allow to develop a variety of dosage forms of new high chemotherapeutic drugs. For example a compound 2-bromo-6-fluoro-7-methyl-5-oxo-5H-1,3,4-thiadiazole [3,2-a] pyrimidine and 2-ethylamino-5H-6-bromo-phenyl -midazo- [2,1-b] -1,3,4-thiadiazoleexhibit high antimicrobial activity of (Rahmonov R.O, Zoidova M.).
The chemical composition of the water-tar wastes studied, which is generated in the process of coal gasification cogeneration station of the Eastern of Dushanbe. This study involves the selection by fractional distillation and chromatography of individual compounds from the waste coal gasification.
One of the promising methods of treatment for gallstone disease is to dissolve the formed stones in the urine and bile duct by chemical means, as a result of the application of different organism for organic and inorganic substances as solvents. In this regard, scientist from Pharmacology Laboratory obtained a new compounds, derivatives of bile acids, which have in comparison with the known compounds of the same maximum capacity of the group to dissolve cholesterol stones “Ursoslit” (Small RT patent, number 662 Tj Kodirov A.H. and other.).
The results of pharmacological and biochemical studies “Ursoslit” showed that it exhibits a pronounced holelit, cholesterol-lowering, lipid-lowering and hepato-protective effect, increases the concentration of total bile acids, phospholipids and reduces the lithogenic bile. Designed as recipes for making liqueur “Fitosuman”, based on the medicinal plants products (Small Patent RT, 643TJ, Kodirov A.H., Nazarova Z.D. and others.).
Together with Tajikfarminvest based on local medicinal plants developed ointment “Orion” for the treatment of burns and inflammation, as well as technology for producing “Amaranth” oil; received “Tajikgosstandarta” License to conduct analytical work on the eight areas of chemistry.
In the period 2001-2016, the Institute of Chemistry issued thirteen R&D proposals for the use. Thus nine developments applied to the industries and enterprises. So, on the Tajik Aluminum Plant introduced methods for producing ferrosilicon and iron from waste production to the overall economic effect of about 1 million US dollars. Production of coagulants for purification of water was set up. On the basis of the Institute of Chemistry developed the technology of cryolite-alumina concentrate waste from the aluminum industry and local minerals (nepheline syenite, siallite and fluorite) Tajik Aluminum Plant was built and put into operation a workshop for processing of aluminum waste.
Pectin samples successfully passed the test of Factory “Shirin”, Dushanbe during the manufacture of jelly products and as yogurt stabilizer at JSC “Kombinati shirii Dushanbe». Using local pectin which can replace exported pectin.
Development of Institute of Chemistry on creation of membranes implemented in “Tajiktekstilmash” for mass production of gas meters, and a method for purifying and stabilizing the transparency of wines local bentonite and polymeric materials at OJSC “Dushanbe” with economic benefit of 65 thousand. Somoni.
In order to develop innovative technologies in the structure of the Institute of Chemistry in April 2015 was established Department of innovative technologies, as approved by the Division of physical, mathematical, chemical, geological and technical sciences Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. This year (2016) with the aim of organizing small industries proposed to the RT Government following specific developments:
1. Two Business plans: The project “Innovative manufacture of pectin” and the project “Production of fruit juice.” These two business proposals are interlinked and in April 2015 were presented at the Academy of Sciences Republic of Tajikistan, Ministry of Economy and Trade RT and the Government of Tajikistan to provide financial support and investment (more than 5.0 million US dollars).
2. Organization of production of corrosion-resistant alloys for the protection of iron constructions on the basis of the State enterprise scientific and experimental production (SE SEP) AS RT
3. Implementation of the process of chloride of gold and silver from the hard concentrate field of Taror and Chore.
In August 2014 an agreement was signed on the creation of scientific and technical and industrial products with LLC “Parandis” (Margidarsky winery). Such agreements have been signed with JSC “Tamohush- Isfara hydrometallurgical plant” and JSC “Korkhonai kimiovї” Isfara.
The Institute continues to collaborate with the Agency “Tojikstandart” on the implementation of the chemical composition analysis, according to the submitted materials of accreditation. The Institute also carries out a variety of independent analysis for the Ministry and departments Republic of Tajikistan, Institute employee (E.H. Pulatov, Jonmurodov A.S., Mamatov E.J.) participate as experts in legal and criminalistical examinations.
For the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Tajikistan was developed a technology of neutralization of liquid missile fuel, prepared by complex regulations and carried out their complete disposal. The Employees of the Institute participated in the secret designs in conjunction with the military plant of this Ministry. Developed and filed a patent application on two developments.
During the 2003-2016 years the Institute of Chemistry, published 1120 scientific articles, 40 books and received 55 patents of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In the mentioned years at the Institute of Chemistry were held 3 international and 12 republican scientific and practical conferences. Conducted conferences contributed to the establishment of creative contacts, formulation of joint research and in general had a positive impact on the overall level of research conducted at the Institute.
The subject of the main concerns of the Institute, and the Academy of Sciences, throughout its existence, was the preparation of highly qualified personnel. In the field of training of scientific personnel Institute collaborates with the higher education institutions of the republic, including TNU, TGPU named after S.Ayni, TTU named after Academician M.S. Osimi and TSMU named after Abu Ali ibn Sino.
At the Institute lectures are held, excursions, lessons on modern instruments for the students of these universities. Thus, students of Dushanbe branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the National Research Technological University (MISiS) of the Russian Federation annually perform work on the R & D program, protect the course works under the guidance of the scientific staff of the Institute, doctors and candidates of sciences.
In the training of scientific personnel organization played a major role at the Institute of Chemistry of the two thesis councils on award of scientific degree of doctor of Science (2001-2012y.) and candidates of sciences (1991-2001.). From 2014 to the present day functions doctor’s council D047.003.02. These council for Institute of chemistry, universities and research institutions of the Republic for the period 2003-2016 years trained 14 doctors and 134 candidates of sciences.
Currently, at the Institute of Chemistry there are 14 major doctors of science 6 doctors under labor contract, 20 main candidates of sciences and 4 under an employment contract. At the Institute 4 academicians of the Republic of Tajikistan are working.
The main role in the preparation of the scientific staff plays a doctorate, postgraduate and master’s programs functioning at the Institute of Chemistry. Currently, the Institute trained 23 graduate students and 8 masters.
The Institute continues to cooperate with the countries of near and far abroad. Today, scientific studies are conducted in collaboration with American and European scientists, which has led to significant results, expressed in joint priority publications in international journals.
Cooperation of the Institute with the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) has contributed on a competitive basis among the seven countries in the region receive 10 ISTC projects worth more than 2.5 mln. US dollars, although many of the CIS countries included in this organization since its establishment.
It continued for more than 10 years of fruitful cooperation between the Institute of Chemistry V.I. Nikitin AN RT and the Eastern Regional Center of US State Department of Agriculture in partnership of ISTC T-1419 and T-1420 projects and the new ISTC Project T-2148 as well as according to the agreement signed on July 25, 2014 carried out academic exchanges and analyzes for high-precision and expensive equipment.
Continues scientific cooperation in the framework of the previous agreements between the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan and number of universities in the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan, Xinjiang Institute of Technical Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, with scientists from Germany, Italy, France, Austria, Turkey and Romania within the European Union and NATO projects.
In addition, cooperation with the CIS countries remains one of the priorities in the activities of the Institute. Between the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the past 20 years, signed 4 agreements in the field of scientific and technical cooperation. There are joint research with research centers and companies in Kazakhstan, the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Innovation Center of CIS Nanotechnologies (InINCIS) at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) (Dubna, Russian Federation).
Thus we can say that the Institute of Chemistry V.I. Nikitin AN RT is the center of the development of chemical science in the Republic of Tajikistan.
Director of the Institute, Prof. A.M.Safarov
Deputy. Dir. on scientific and pedagogical works Prof. V.D. Abulhaev