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In January 1933, under the directorship of academician S.F. Oldenburg (1863-1935),
Tajik base of Academy of Sciences of the USSR started its operation and united sectors
of geology, botany, zoology and parasitology, soil science, humanities. In 1940,
Tajik base of Academy of Sciences of the USSR -
News and announcements

Адиб, олим ва асосгузори адабиёти муосири тоҷик. Аввалин Президенти Академияи илмҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон. Муаллифи асарҳои «Таърихи амирони манғитияи Бухоро», «Таърихи инқилоби фикрӣ дар Бухоро», «Намунаи адабиёти тоҷик», «Дохунда»,...Муфассал

Олим, академики Академияи Илмҳои ИҶШС, арбоби ҳизбӣ ва давлатӣ, муаллифи китоби оламшумули «Тоҷикон» ва зиёда аз 300 асару мақолаҳо. Солҳои 1944-1946 котиби дуюм, с.1946-1956 котиби якуми КМ Ҳизби комунистии Тоҷикистон, 1956 – 1977 сарвари...Муфассал

Шоири халқӣ, раиси Иттифоқи нависандагони Тоҷикистон, Қаҳрамони меҳнати сотсиалистӣ, Раиси Кумитаи якдилии халқҳои Осиё ва Африқо. Барои достонҳои «Қиссаи Ҳиндустон»(1948), «Ҳасани аробакаш», «Чароғи абадӣ», «Садои Осиё»,(1960) «Ҷони ширин»...Муфассал

Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон. 19 ноябри соли 1992 дар иҷлосияи XVI Шўрои Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон раиси Шўрои Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, 6 ноябри соли 1994 бори аввал, солҳои 1999, 2006 ва 2013 Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон интихоб гардидаст...Муфассал

Нусратулло Махсум (Лутфуллоев) ходими давлатӣ ва ҳизбӣ. Солҳои 1924-1926 раиси Кумитаи инқилобии ҶМШС Тоҷикистон, солҳои 1926-1933 раиси Кумитаи Иҷроияи Марказии ҶШС Тоҷикистон. Бо фармони Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз 27 июни соли 2006....Муфассал

Ходими давлатӣ ва ҳизбӣ. Солҳои 1929-1931 котиби Ҳизби коммунистии ҶШС Тоҷикистон, солҳои 1933-1937 Раиси Кумитаи Иҷроияи Марказии ҶШС Тоҷикистон. Бо фармони Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон аз 27 июни соли 2006 ба фарзанди барӯманди халқи тоҷик....Муфассал

Шоҳасари академик Бобоҷон Ғафуров «Тоҷикон», на танҳо дар таърихнигории ватанӣ, балки дар миқёси кишварҳои хориҷӣ низ шуҳрату шаҳомати беандозаро дорад.Бесабаб нест, ки шоҳасари «Тоҷикон» дар илми ховаршиносии Шӯравӣ падидаи ниҳоят муҳим ва навгонии беназир мавриди эътироф гардидааст. Зимнан, иқрор шудан ҷоиз аст, ки аксари муҳаққиқони ватанӣ ва хориҷӣ ба он ақидаи комилан дурусти илмӣ ва ҳаётии шоҳасари «Тоҷикон»-и Бобоҷон Ғафуров аз ҷиҳати масъалагузорӣ, таҳқиқу пажӯҳиш, таҳлилу муқоиса ва хулосаву ҷамъбаст аз дигар асарҳои илмиву...

In honor of the 1045th Birth Anniversary of the great Tajik scientist Abuali ibni Sino (Avicenna).
Аз қаъри гили сияҳ то авҷи Зуҳал,
Кардам ҳама мушкилоти гетиро ҳал.
Берун ҷастам зи қайди ҳар макру ҳиял,
Ҳар банд кушода шуд, магар банди аҷал.
(Ибн Сино)
Newly published books
The issue of ethnicity of the scholars, like Abu Ali ibn Sina’s was not particularly popular among the Muslim society before the period of modernism, it was religious affiliation in this society more important, that’s why people were identified themself primarily just as Muslims; Since the ethnic and racial identity was not essential at that period. That was the reason at this time all Muslims and all civilized inhabitants of the world can be proud of the legacy of such great personalities. The question of ethnic and national affiliation arose on the "initiative" of European states; under the influence of the ethno-nationalistic views they spread, as well as a result of their support for projects regarding national and ethnocentric states, the goal of which was colonial domination (based on the principle of "divide and rule") and strengthening their position in the countries of Asia and Africa. This effected on and led to the state policy Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as well, also the aspirations of the Turkic nationalists. Without any scientific justification and mainly on the basis of nationalistic motives, subordinated to this goal, mainly incited by the West at the beginning of the 20th century, they actively sought to attribute many famous personalities from among Muslim scientists and writers to the Turkic ethnic group.
It is strange that, despite the fact that the ethnicity of Ibn Sina and many other prominent scholars of the Middle Ages has been precisely established by reliable and indisputable research, as well as by scientists who treat this issue dispassionately and realistically, some representatives of the "scientific thought" of the Turkic-speaking countries stubbornly strive to attribute him to their people, without having any real scientific or historical basis for this. More stranger is the situation, characterized by the fact that the ethnicity of this scholar is attributed to themselves even by the peoples who came to the territory of Maverannahr and Khorasan several centuries after his death.
As noted, the ethnic, specifically Iranian (Tajik) origin of Avicenna has been reliably sources, Avicenna’s books, in his autobiography, his followers and proven by modern authoritative orientalist researchers such as S.E. Bosworth, A.J. Arbery, Henri Corbin and many other world-renowned scholars. The list of works with specific arguments in favor of the Iranian-Tajik origin of Avicenna is huge and their summary is contained, even if someone with lack of deep knowledge can find it mass media, in Wikipedia (in Russian and English). In this direction, irrefutable arguments were also specifically presented by the major Tajik scholars, Muhammad Asimi, and Academician Dinorshoev M.D.
Based just on the research of the above-mentioned scientists and directly taking into account the statements of Ibn Sina himself, one can cite many arguments that testify to the Iranian (Tajik) origin of the thinker. For the sake of specificity, we consider it necessary to list several facts, each of which serves as a convincing argument in favor of the fact that Ibn Sina was an ethnic Iranian Tajik and was brought up in the favorable environment of Persian-Tajik culture.
1 - It is reliably known that Ibn Sina knew only two languages, namely his native language, which was Persian Tajik and his academic language, the Arabic. Thus, in his book "Isharat wa tanbihat" ("Instructions and Advice") he writes: "However, in the languages that we speak (italics ours - M.M.), there is no universal negation in the form in which we have described it, and in order to limit universal negative judgments (in the field of logic - M.M.), words are used that express additional meanings corresponding to the expression of this kind of absoluteness. In Arabic, for example, they say: "La shay'un min J - B" ("Not a single J is B"), and by this they want to say that not a single thing inherent in J is inherent in B. In literary Persian they also say: "Hedj J B nest" ("Not a single J is B"). The use of such an expression means that it contains necessary things and represents one of the varieties of absoluteness, the condition of which is the subject".
In the books of Ibn Sina, devoted to the solution of various questions of logic, many other similar examples are given exclusively from Persian and Arabic. It was in these two languages that he wrote his works devoted to various branches of science. And in particular, in these languages his works were composed, through which he made a huge contribution to the development of philosophical and medical sciences.
Consequently, by Avicenna's own admission, he knows only two languages - his native language - Persian (Tajik) and Arabic. And other languages (in particular, Turkic) are unknown to him!!! And after such a clear admission by the thinker himself, can he be listed among the people of Turkic origin or at least among the experts of Turkic dialects?
Moreover, in none of Ibn Sina’s works is there the slightest hint of any connections (including ethnic and linguistic!) with the Turks, while many of his works, in particular his encyclopedic work “Danishname” (“Book of Knowledge”) were written in his native Persian language.
2 - Ibn Sina's father, Abdullah, by the thinker's own admission, was from Balkh and was a follower of the Ismaili (Batini) teaching. Fearing persecution from the ruler of Balkh, a descendant of Turkic slaves, Sultan Mahmud (998 - 1030), who came to power, he moved to Bukhara during the reign of the Samanid emir Nuh ibn Mansur (976 - 997). And Ibn Sina's mother, Sitara-Banu (a name that spoke of her Tajik origin, since the word "Banu" (a highly respected and noble woman) was added to the names of aristocrats of purely Iranian (Tajik) origin), was from the village of Afshana, where the thinker's family lived and where he himself was born.
By the way, even today, a thousand years after the era of Avicenna, the inhabitants of the village of Afshana still continue to speak Tajik. And the toponym "Afshana" comes from the Avestan word (close to Sanskrit) apAsana - "the extreme land", which has nothing in common with the Turkic dialects, which has been deformed over many centuries.
And the followers of the Ismaili school of Islam, to which belonged representatives of the autochthonous Iranian (Tajik) population of Khorasan, were distinguished by their hostile attitude towards the alien Turkic rulers who threatened the foundations of their national independence. This is confirmed, for example, by the words of Nasir Khusraw (1004 - 1088), a prominent Tajik poet and philosopher, one of the Ismaili preachers, a contemporary of Ibn Sina, who also came from Balkh. Thus, Nasir Khusraw said:
The Turks in front of their men in Khorasan used to be humiliated like women in palaces.
Isn't it shameful for men, noble by birth, to selfishly bend their backs, worshiping the Turks? And as Nasir Khusraw said: «Should I humiliate myself like you, O ignoramus, In the hope of filling my food sack? The nomadic Turks were my servants, How can I be a Turkic servant?».
Therefore, Ibn Sina's father, being a Tajik Ismaili, and not wanting to serve a Turk and a slave by origin, Sultan Mahmud, moved to Bukhara, where the Tajik royal dynasty of the Samanids directly ruled, and entered government service. History does not know of a single Turk who was a follower of Ismailism in that era or even several centuries later.
3 - Now let us cite another quote from the book "Ilahiyat" ("Metaphysics") - the final part of "Kitab ush-shifa`" ("Book of Healing") by Ibn Sina, in which his attitude towards the Turks is clearly revealed. He writes: "... Those people who are far from mastering virtue, like the Turks and Negroes, should be slaves (servants) by nature." At first glance, such a statement from Ibn Sina, with his inherent humanistic and cultural characteristics, sounds strange. Nevertheless, here the thinker expresses an opinion common in his era, and this statement of his clearly indicates that attributing Turkic origins to him is a ridiculous and absolutely groundless undertaking.
4 - That is, based on the arguments drawn from the works of Avicenna himself, the conclusion about the Tajik origin of his parents is clearly suggested. After all, it is logically and morally impossible for his mother and father to be Turks, and their own son Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdullah ibn Sina, allegedly brought up in the spirit of Turkic culture, considered them "far from virtue" and people who "by nature should be slaves." Such a statement would be an expression of unforgivable cynicism and a violation of high moral principles in relation to his own parents.
5 - The fact that Ibn Sina's father, Abdallah, belonged to a noble Iranian (Tajik) family is also evidenced by his family name - "Sina". This word goes back to the Avestan Saena ("falcon"), a symbol of fravashi, a good spirit, including everything that was and everything that will be, as well as the army of Ahura Mazda. Thus, in the Avesta (Farvardin Yasht, 97) it is said: "I praise the fravashi of the righteous Saena - the son of Akhush Stut, who appeared first on this earth with his hundred followers." This family name was widespread among noble Iranian families. Thus, the famous German linguist Just in his book "Iranian Names" mentions twenty-two noble Iranian dignitaries who bore the name Caena - Sina. According to this researcher, this family name was borne exclusively by Iranian (Tajik) noble families.
6 - The fact that the inhabitants of Bukhara were ethnic Tajiks and spoke Farsi (while many of the surrounding residents spoke another Iranian language, namely Sogdian) is evidenced by many medieval historians, in particular the author of a unique and encyclopedic work on the history of Bukhara, Muhammad an-Narshahi (899 - 959). He writes: “Qutayba bin Muslim built a cathedral mosque in Bukhara in the year 94 Hijri (713). He ordered the people of Bukhara to gather there every Friday. In the early days of Islam, the people of Bukhara read the Quran in Parsi (Farsi) and could not learn Arabic. When [during prayer] it was time to perform ruku’ (prostration - M.M.), there was a man who stood behind the worshipers and said (in Farsi - M.M.), “biknita niknit” (bow down, bow down), and when it was time to perform sajdah (bowing down) he would shout: nikuniyya nikuni (bow down, bow down).”
Irrefutable arguments in favor of the Tajik origin of Ibn Sina's parents are also the notes of famous medieval Arab geographers and travelers of the 9th - 10th centuries, such as Istakhri, Ibn Hawqal and Makdisi. These authors testify that the population of the vast territory of Khorasan and Mawarennahr speaks exclusively Iranian languages. In the cities, people communicate in Farsi (Dari, Tajik), and in the villages, the Sogdian dialect of Iranian languages is also widely spoken.
These authors do not contain any references whatsoever to the existence and circulation of Turkic dialects here. For the nomadic Turkic tribes of that period mainly lived north of the Yaxartes River (Syr Darya), and in the oases and cities of Maverannahr and Khorasan they were encountered mainly as hired warriors or slaves. In other words, Khorasan and Maverannahr in that period and even after the fall of the Samanids up until the Mongol invasion were truly areas of purely Tajik culture, and the presence of the Turkic component in this territory was insignificant and did not manifest itself at all in the area of cultural and scientific creation.
7 - Ibn Sina, with his extensive and thorough knowledge in all areas of scientific thought of his era, could have remained in the service of the Karakhanid Turks who had captured Bukhara or of Sultan Mahmud, a Persian speaking descendant of Turkic slaves who had won power in Khorasan (gaining it from Samanids), but, brought up in the spirit of Tajik (Iranian) culture, he preferred to leave for Khorezm, the population of which, according to the description of Abu Rayhan Biruni in his book "Asar al-bakiya" ("Monuments of Past Generations") "belongs to the flourishing tree of the Persian peoples." And after the threat of a Turkic invasion loomed over Khorezm, he preferred to serve various Iranian rulers of that era. And until the end of his days (unlike Biruni, who was forcibly drawn into the service of the Ghaznavids), he never once served the newly-minted Turkic rulers. For he, a pupil of ancient Iranian scientific traditions and the elegant environment of Tajik culture, was alien to the customs of the nomads (“far from virtue”) who poured from Dashti Kipchak into Mavarennahr and Khorasan, subjecting the indigenous population of the region to cruel persecution and robbery.
8 - Ibn Sina, both by origin and spiritually, is closely connected with the Tajik ethnic group and Tajik culture. He, like his contemporaries Abu Rayhan Biruni and Nasir Khusraw, made a huge contribution to the enrichment of such an important component of the Tajik (Persian) language as its scientific terminology. On this basis, in the following centuries, prominent scientific works were written in this language (in particular, the works of Nasir ad-din Tusi, Jalal ad-din Rumi, Abd ar-Rahman Jaami, etc.), which served as a reliable basis for the development of world scientific thought. In addition, he is considered the founder of the genre of philosophical rubai (in Persian), which reached its peak in the works of Omar Khaym and other classics of Persian-Tajik literature.
These and many other arguments serve as an irrefutable argument in favor of the fact that Ibn Sina had no relation to the Turkic ethnic groups, was not familiar with their language, and therefore, he did not write a single work in these languages. Therefore, it is strange to observe someone who persistently, without any basis and stubbornly calls him a Turk. It is known that such attempts have nothing to do with reality and are subordinated to political and geopolitical goals. S.E. Bosworth and other world-famous scientists see the reason for the "Turkification" of the entire Islamic and Persian cultural and scientific heritage over the past centuries in the spread of a nationalistic wave under the influence of targeted Western projects, which are based on the excessive idealization of ethnic characteristics. Some newly formed national states claimed an exclusive historical ethnic identity, while their role in the history of Muslim countries was mainly limited to invasions and robberies, and in the development of the scientific cultural heritage of these countries they had a negative rather than a positive influence. The pan-Turkic movement, which arose mainly under the influence of Western political projects, belongs first and foremost to this type of nationalist wave.
This explains the aspirations of a certain part of unprepared, ambitious and superficially thinking "scientists" from the Turkic-speaking "scientific circles" (of which, unfortunately, there have been many in recent decades!) to attribute to their people such Persian-Tajik scientists as Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Abu-Rayhan Biruni, Jalal-ad-Din Rumi, Nasir ad-Din Tusi and many others. In doing so, they, succumbing to the influence of their Western "puppeteers", with their unfounded "arguments" that are far from scientific and historical reality, deceive their own people; and even themselves (apparently with pleasure) succumb to such flattering deception.
We greatly respect Turkic people, living with us for the centuries; nomadic civilization is specific and rich civilization. Nevertheless we identify ourselves as different people, with different origin. Tajiks are not ancient Uzbek, their language is also not “old Uzbek” (as our neighboring nation wrongly understands!), Tajiks are strong, well-spread nation, and they are consisting of half of neighboring countries, such as Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, and they live in north of Pakistan and west of China as well.
So, subordinating ourselves in Central Asia, former Khorasan and Mavarannahr (ancient Eastern Iran), especially the Soghdians, Bakhtrians, Khwarasmians etc. (people with Iranian origin) to the people with Altaic origin, the Turkic nomads only, who came to this region relatively later on from Altay, Dasht-i Kipchak and Siberia was considered a sign of ignorance for the Khorasani Iranian Tajiks, who were at that time by their believe Ismailis, one of whom was Ibn Sina's father.
Of course, we understand that such great personalities as Ibn Sina belong to all of humanity, the contributed to the world civilizations. But all we need to understand is that we are as a Tajik rightfully proud of having given the world such great personalities as Firdausi, Ibn Sina, Biruni, Nasir Khusraw, Omar Khayyam, Nasir ad-Din Tusi, Jalal ad-Din Rumi and many other bright lights of science and literature. We should be proud, and we are proud, that others strive (albeit groundlessly and unsuccessfully) to attribute our scientific authorities of the past to their people and are proud of them. But historical justice demands that the authority of these world-famous sons of our people should not become the subject of cheap nationalistic speculation, but serve the fraternal union and unity of all peoples, as they themselves desired.
Dr.Muhammadsalam Makhshulov - Leading Researcher at the Avicenna Studies Center of the IPPJ named after A. Bagouddinov of the NAST.
On December 28, 2024, the next Message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, was presented on the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, in the field of environmental protection, emphasized the impact of climate change on the planet, noting the following: “Our country, in continuation of its constructive initiatives in the international arena to promote water and climate issues, will host the first International High-Level Conference on Glacier Protection in 2025 in cooperation with the United Nations. We must continue cooperation in the field of water and glacier protection, take into account the consequences of climate change and reduce the risk of natural disasters within the framework of existing capabilities, take the necessary measures to strengthen international cooperation within the framework of the “Dushanbe Water Process”.
In strengthening, according to the words of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Honorable Emomali Rahmon, we, the employees of the hydrometeorological sphere, need to act at a high level with double responsibility to implement the policy pursued by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. We must make every effort to implement the initiative of the Leader of the Nation, which were presented in this year's Address, to make our native country prosperous and beautiful.
The development of the society, a peaceful life and the hopes and dreams of every citizen can be realized only if there is peace and stability and national unity. As the Founder of peace and national unity - Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speeches constantly emphasizes that: "The aspect of protecting the security of the state, stability and peace of the society, further strengthening of independence, freedom, national unity and ensuring the progress and prosperity of the independent Tajikistan", correct understanding of national and state interests, honor and pride of patriotism is very important. In other words, a high sense of nationalism and pride in being a citizen of Tajikistan as a key factor in uniting society should play an effective role in the mind and consciousness of every person."
The leadership and staff of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan watched the Message of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan on television in the meeting room of the service on 28.12.2024.
The message of the Leader of the Nation, which covered all spheres of the national economy, made a deep impression on the hearts and minds of every listener.
The management and staff of National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan draw a fresh soul from the message, in the light of which they are making efforts to implement their plans and tasks for the coming year.
Science and education have a central position in the policy of the Government of Tajikistan. During more than 30 years of state independence, more than 3,900 institutions of general education, including gymnasiums, lyceums and colleges, as well as universities and institutes, have been built. The number of institutions of higher professional education has increased from 13 to 47, and the number of students has increased from 65 thousand to more than 220 thousand. This development shows that the nation attaches special importance to science and education and considers it as the main way of social and economic progress.
One of the important aspects of the state policy is the involvement of young people in science and invention. The Founder of peace and national unity- Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, has established many awards and scholarships for schoolchildren and students, which encourage young people to study and research.
It should be said that the experience and peace formula of Tajiks has been studied in various countries of the world, especially countries where internal conflicts are going on. Peace of Tajiks is considered as an example in international conferences. Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speech in honor of the National Unity Day, emphasized that: "The people of Tajikistan have clearly realized that only in the atmosphere of national peace and unity and through patriotic efforts, their newly independent state can be transformed into a prosperous and developed country. and left a truly developed and civilized country for future generations.
One of the other important steps is the establishment of the republican competition "Science - the power of knowledge", which is organized in Tajikistan in order to attract more teenagers and young people to the study of exact and natural sciences. This competition, held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, contributes to the development of scientific thinking, the expansion of the technical outlook, and the formation of innovative and inventive skills. Participants in this competition can demonstrate their knowledge and skills in various scientific fields and enjoy their achievements. The competition also contributes to the expansion of scientific thinking and technology in society, and provides suitable conditions for the development of the young generation of scientists.
Despite significant successes, science in Tajikistan faces a number of problems. One of the main tasks is to attract young scientists to research activities, also Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, in his speech pointed starting from the kindergarten’s young generation and all other specialists of different spheres, they should learn English and Russian languages.
The shortage of specialists in such fields as seismology, energy, molecular biology, genetics and biotechnology requires urgent measures to train and attract them. In this process, revision and development of educational and research programs should be a national priority.
The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, pointed regarding financial services and for the increasing accessibility to credit for businesses and citizens. To enhance the quality of education and vocational training, to equip the youth with necessary skills, also strengthening cooperation with international organizations and neighboring countries. Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, during of his speech, pointed for active participation in global efforts to address climate change, including the preservation of glaciers, measures to enhance national security and defense capabilities in response to regional and global challenges.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz-doctor of philology, professor Head of Foreign Language Department of NAST
The initiatives of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon in the field of water and climate proved to the world that water plays an effective role in relations between countries.
On March 22-24, 2023, the United Nations Conference on the Comprehensive Review of the Mid-Term Goals of the International Decade of Action "Water for Sustainable Development", 2018-2028, was held in New York, United States of America.
The next visit of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon, was different from his other visits to the headquarters of the most influential organization in the world - the UN, in that it was on two important human dates. - Navruz International Day and World Water Day have coincided. These two phenomena, which should be called the source of human life, are interconnected and inextricably linked. Along with soil, wind and fire, water is one of the four eternal elements, the greatest miracle and the most precious wealth of the Earth, and the existence of life in the biosphere depends on its existence.
This conference can be considered a great historic gathering of world countries, because the first UN Conference on water issues was held in Argentina. So, after almost half a century (46 years), the second UN Conference was held under the title of the mid-term Comprehensive Review of the goals of the International Decade of Action "Water for Sustainable Development", 2018-2028. Official delegations of UN member countries, including 110 delegations led by ministers, leaders and representatives of more than 100 regional and international organizations, took part in its work.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, King of the Netherlands Willem Alexander and President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon were appointed as the chairmen of the Conference. The President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, opened the conference and gave a speech. The leaders of the nation stated that Tajikistan has been leading water-related issues in the world development agenda for more than two decades. Due to the initiatives of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, the General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted nine resolutions on water issues, the implementation of which helps to prevent and solve water problems.
This is why water is the most sacred and precious resource of nature. The Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon, has given us the following task: “Water is the treasure of nature, protect it and cherish it”. At the initiative of our President HonorableEmomali Rahmon, the United Nations declared 2003 as the "Year of Fresh Water" and called the following years, 2005-2015, the International Decade of Action for “Water for Life”. 2018-2028 is the International Decade of Action "Water for Sustainable Development".
At the suggestion of the Head of our state, measures are being taken to ensure that drinking water is not wasted, and to protect it. Now the leaders of the countries are trying to leave this precious treasure of taste to the next generation of the Earth in its original form.
Water is also a source of healing for the sick. Abu'ali ibn Sina said that water preserves health. In terms of the number of healing springs, Tajikistan ranks first among other countries. Water is the source of life. All creatures on Earth need and benefit from water. As poet said:
It is water and life is permanent.
There is water, land, cultivation and work.
The product of the whole world.
It is because of the grace of the water.
In fact, the greenery of nature, gardens, roads, mountains and fields is made of water. We know that water is the main substance in living organisms. No creature can live without water.
From these words, I came to the conclusion that water is a gift of nature. It should be protected from waste and unnecessary savings. Let's not let a single drop of it go to waste.
Buriev Umed Rustamovich 2nd year master's degree in International Relations, Institute for Asian and European Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, a new period began in the political and economic life of the former union republics, including Tajikistan. The former union republics became independent in 1991, and this led to each state adopting its flag as a symbol of statehood, sovereignty and state independence.
On November 24, 1992, the fateful 16th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan adopted the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Approval of the Regulation on the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan". Our State Flag, along with the Constitution, the National Anthem and Emblem, is considered one of the main state symbols and sacred objects.
In the modern world, having a state flag is a sign of independence and one of the main symbols of statehood and national unity.
During the period of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan, the adoption of the State Flag gave new content to the political process of the Government of the country, the life and mentality of the people of Tajikistan. Today's society of the country has acquired great faith and confidence in the historical value and spiritual influence of the State Flag, which is considered a very important and valuable manifestation of the Tajik nation during the period of independence of the country.
Today, the State Flag is the main symbol of statehood, the embodiment of historical foundations, a rich and valuable national heritage, the expression of the goals and aspirations of the Tajik people, in fact, it reflects the high patriotism and pride of the people of Tajikistan.
The swaying of this sacred symbol in the space of independent Tajikistan is considered a holiday of freedom, unity and justice, which Tajiks formed as a civilized nation on the basis of such salutary and creative values. The swaying of the State Flag in front of government offices, enterprises and institutions, organizations and others is a sign of the existence of peaceful life in the country.
It should be noted that today the State Flag has become a very important factor in raising national feelings, self-awareness, and pride of patriotism of the citizens of independent Tajikistan. The State Flag of Tajikistan embodies the dreams and aspirations of the Tajik people, whose characteristics are expressed in its colours. Respect for the State Flag is a source of pride for the national statehood and the policy of the current Government of Tajikistan. The flag as a special symbol of independence, patriotism, sovereignty and a symbol of the existence of the nation deserves respect and veneration from every patriotic citizen.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated November 20, 2009, in order to respect and appreciate, as well as loyalty to one of the main state symbols - the flag of Tajikistan, the Day of the State Flag of the Republic of Tajikistan is celebrated every year on November 24.
Today, this sacred national symbol guides people, young and old, to moral work, construction and prosperity, strengthening the potential of the state and increasing its authority in the global platform. In this direction, a special role belongs to the youth of our country. With their achievements and successes in the field of science, culture and sports, they raise the flag of the Tajik state not only within the country, but also abroad at world-class events and championships.
It is especially worth noting that thanks to the state independence and the wise policy of the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon, for the first time the State Flag of Tajikistan was raised before the United Nations and other influential international organizations and proclaimed the existence of the Tajik nation.
The State Flag of Tajikistan, which is fluttering at a height of 165 meters in the capital of our dear country - Dushanbe, has become a source of pride for every patriot of the country and a sightseeing for local people and guests from abroad. Undoubtedly, the raising of the world's highest State Flag with a complex of administrative and cultural buildings gave the city of Dushanbe a new beauty, and its place was named "Flag Square".
It should be recalled with pride and satisfaction that now the people of our country, especially our young and far-sighted generation, supported the constructive policy of the Government of the country and are well aware that respect for national symbols, including the State Flag, means pride for an independent state, paying tribute to the historical past of the Tajik nation. It carries our antiquity and selfless work for the sake of the prosperous future of our beloved Motherland. It is worth noting that the people of Tajikistan, with the support of the wise policy of the Founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Honorable Emomali Rahmon, have achieved peace and tranquility, political stability and national unity under the national flag. We will continue to move forward under this sacred national symbol with the full support of the creative and constructive policy of the leader of the nation to further enhance the status and rank of the Tajik nation, protect and pay tribute to the precious culture and heritage of the civilized Tajik nation in a free, democratic, legal and secular society.
Therefore, we must constantly strive to elevate this sacred statesymbol on the world arena. The State Flag represents the Republic of Tajikistan. We are proud of our State Flag, and it will remain fluttering forever.
Salimov Akbar - Institute for Asian and European studies, National Academy of sciences of Tajikistan
President's Day in Tajikistan is a significant event celebrated each year on November 16.
Emomali Rahmon became president in 1994, and under his leadership, Tajikistan has made considerable progress in various areas, including political stability, economic development, and social reforms. His presidency has been marked by efforts to unite the diverse population of Tajikistan, which is home to various ethnic groups and cultures. President's Day is a time when citizens express gratitude for the stability that has been established and consider how they can contribute to the nation's future.
The celebrations on President's Day are filled with various events that showcase Tajikistan's rich cultural heritage. Local schools often organize cultural programs that highlight the history and traditions of Tajikistan. Students participate in these events by performing traditional dances, singing folk songs, and reciting poetry that reflects their national pride.
In addition to parades and performances, speeches play an essential role in the celebrations. Government officials and community leaders address the public, sharing messages of unity, progress, and the importance of working together for a better future. These speeches often emphasize the values of cooperation and resilience, reminding citizens of their shared responsibility in building a stronger nation.
Moreover, President's Day also serves as a reminder of the challenges that Tajikistan faces. While the country has made strides in various sectors, issues such as poverty, unemployment, and environmental concerns remain. Citizens are encouraged to think critically about these challenges and work collectively towards solutions. Through educational initiatives and community dialogues, the spirit of President's Day inspires individuals to act and contribute positively to their society.
The Republic of Tajikistan has achieved significant milestones in peace, stability, and national unity, due to the strong leadership and initiatives of the President his Excellency Emomali Rahmon. His dedication has been instrumental in establishing a new statehood and legal framework for the country, marking him as the Former of National Peace and Unity.
The Founder of peace and national unity- Leader of the nation his Excellency Emomali Rahmon’s constructive proposals, articulated in elegant Tajik language at international forums such as the United Nations, have resonated with Tajik globally, fostering a sense of pride and solidarity. His leadership has been pivotal in aligning the nation’s strategic goals with the aspirations of its people, reinforcing the importance of national laws and stability. Through these efforts, the foundation of peace and unity has been solidified, ensuring a cohesive and prosperous future for Tajikistan.
In the years when Tajikistan gained independence, the country turned to the foundations of its statehood, and first of all, to the conduct of foreign policy, which faced a completely different world politics. At the beginning of the formation of its independence, the republic was engulfed in an imposed civil war, and in these difficult conditions a balanced policy was formed, which was supposed to ensure the stability of the state and the cohesion of the nation, a firm political position of the country in the international arena. Fortunately, at this predetermining stage, thanks to the efforts of the country's leadership, Tajikistan became a full member of the international community, and today Tajikistan has been officially recognized by 180 countries of the world, and diplomatic relations have been established with 126 of them. The Republic of Tajikistan is an active member of 51 organizations, including international and regional, as well as international financial institutions. As a result of lengthy negotiations, an end was put to the civil war - after a five-year armed confrontation, the General Agreement on the Establishment of Peace and National Accord in Tajikistan was signed, which is a unique national achievement since independence. Today, the experience of Tajiks in achieving peace is recognized by the world community, it is studied in schools.
Achievements of Tajikistan in cooperation with UNESCO on cultural heritage:
- in 2002, the capital of Tajikistan, the city of Dushanbe, became a laureate of the UNESCO City of Peace award;
- in 2003, the classical music of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan "Shashmakom" was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as a masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind;
- in 2010, by the decision of the 34th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Tajikistan - Sarazm was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List;
- in 2013, by the decision of the 36th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, the National Park of Tajikistan - the Pamir Mountains was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List;
- in 2013 in Paris at the headquarters of UNESCO there was a presentation of the book "Architect of the World", dedicated to the valuable contribution of the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon to the establishment of lasting peace in the country;
- In 2013, UNESCO awarded the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon with the jubilee medal "60th Anniversary of UNESCO" for his continued commitment to the goals of strengthening lasting peace, promoting sustainable development, in particular through initiatives to develop cooperation in the water sector, international dialogue, the exchange of scientific achievements and accelerated implementation of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals; - in 2013 in Paris, during the 37th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, the celebrations of the 3000th anniversary of Gissar, the 700th anniversary of Mir Said Ali Hamadoni (in cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran) and the 600 anniversary of Abdurahman Jami.
Tajikistan has agreements on cultural exchange with many countries of the world.
International cultural exchanges, days and seasons of culture make it possible to increase the Tajik cultural presence abroad through the implementation of large-scale long-term projects that make it possible to emphasize the special role of Tajikistan in the world cultural space. As part of this policy, the legal framework for interaction is being improved, large-scale projects are being implemented in the format of Weeks and Days of Tajik Culture, exchange festivals, exhibitions, concerts and other events that help to consolidate the information and cultural presence of Tajikistan in the world.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz- Doctor of philology, professor Head of the Department of Foreign languages of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan,
Gulbarg Dodikhudoeva B - the teacher of the Department of Foreign languages of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
The Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan introduced into the science of international relations such a new concept as “water diplomacy”, which accumulates all subsequent initiatives and ideas regarding the use of water resources in the world. All global initiatives of Tajikistan, such as the International Decade of Action “Water for Life, 2005-2015”, the International Year of Clean Water (2003), the International Year of Water Cooperation (2013) and the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, made a significant contribution to the field of international relations. “All these initiatives pursued only one goal – the creation of a universal and multifunctional platform for discussing and finding optimal and rational ways to solve problems and challenges related to water resources.
The authors of all these global water initiatives are the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who, with his constructive ideas in the field of international water use, has increased the international image of not only Tajikistan, but also the entire Central Asia. As Emomali Rahmon noted: “Water plays a vital role in the development of humanity. From time immemorial, people have settled near water sources that bring life and prosperity. Indeed, water is the source of life, and humanity has always praised and celebrated it as a sacred resource. In the current context of rapid population growth, economic development and the impact of other challenges that create additional stress on natural resources, the value of water will increase many times over.” Therefore, the formation of a constructive water dialogue and the development of water diplomacy can create conditions for long-term partnerships between countries in water use and prevent future water conflicts.”
Tajikistan, led by Emomali Rahmon, confidently demonstrating political leadership and at the same time its responsibility, is creating conditions for further consolidation of the efforts of all stakeholders, especially world political leaders, in adopting and implementing measures aimed at ensuring sustainable management and use of water resources. The International Group of Friends on Water, initiated by Tajikistan, today unites about 50 member countries and makes a positive contribution to the discussion of water problems and the adoption of relevant decisions within the UN and other international organizations. Thanks to the special merit of Emomali Rahmon, Tajikistan is positioning itself today as an important global player in solving water problems at the global and regional levels.
Over the years of independence, Tajikistan, led by the Leader of the Nation Emomali Rahmon, has contributed to the fair and fraternal distribution of water resources to all its neighbors, since about 60% of the water reserves of Central Asia have been accumulated in our country. Feeling its global responsibility for the fate of the Central Asian region, Tajikistan co-founded the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea and its two commissions – ICWC and ICSD, which provide a platform for discussing the most important transboundary water issues in the region.
Based on the above, I can declare with great responsibility that the water initiatives proposed by our President and their support at the international level have increased not only the image of Tajikistan, but also its Leader, Emomali Rahmon, in the eyes of the world community. These initiatives will have a positive impact on further cooperation and implementation of water diplomacy in the world.
Also Read: Status of Dushanbe Water Process in Regional, Global Integration
The President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon today is a generally recognized and influential world political Leader who is able not only to determine the agenda of international politics, but also to solve pressing global issues. The same opinion is shared by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who visited our country in 2017 and was impressed by the water potential of Tajikistan. He highly appreciated the global initiatives of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon. At the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly in connection with the beginning of the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028”, the first, as the main initiator of the adoption of the new International Decade, was the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon, who officially opened the new water decade. He launched the implementation of another initiative of Tajikistan throughout the planet.
It is also important to note that on June 20-22, 2018, the High-Level International Conference on the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” will be organized in Dushanbe. I think that thanks to the global initiatives of President Emomali Rahmon, many international projects will be implemented in the near future aimed at improving people’s access to water, especially in densely populated countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
In December 2022, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted at its 77th session the resolution “2025 – International Year of Glacier Conservation”, put forward by the Republic of Tajikistan.
The next initiative of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, respected Emomali Rahmon, was supported by 153 member states of this organization. The adoption of such an important and useful resolution for the modern world community has become a source of pride for all Tajiks of the world.
Based on this resolution, March 21 was declared the International Day for the Preservation of Glaciers, and 2025 – the International Year for the Preservation of Glaciers, and also ratified the decision at the UN to create an International Trust Fund for Contribution to the Preservation of Glaciers and to hold an International Conference on the Preservation of Glaciers in the city in 2025 Dushanbe. This initiative of the Leader of the Nation is truly of great importance for humanity and our planet, since it is aimed at preserving nature and water resources, the life of humanity on our planet as a whole.
Also Read: Tajik President Emomali’s Key Water Initiatives
The role of glaciers in the evolution of the Earth and humanity is very significant. The development of the geographical environment of the globe is determined by the balance of heat and humidity, which strongly depends on the process of formation and change of glaciers.
Glaciers influence the Earth’s climate when air temperatures drop and precipitation increases. Therefore, it is necessary that humanity prevent the melting of glaciers. If glaciers melt, the average annual temperature of the Earth may increase and negatively affect human life. Moreover, glaciers are the main source of drinking water and constitute the only fresh water reserve on the planet. This reality is extremely important not only for the population of the Earth, but also for animals and plants. Glaciers create new rivers, without which it is impossible to develop crop production and provide humanity with food in the world.
In recent decades, the world has seen an increase in the average temperature balance. This phenomenon is due to the “greenhouse effect”, which is associated with air pollution. The end of all this is the melting of glaciers and a significant reduction in their area.
Today, glaciers around the world are rapidly shrinking. It is estimated that by 2100, half of the world’s mountain glaciers will disappear. About 1.5-2 billion people living in different countries in Asia, Europe and America are experiencing difficulties with water shortages, and rivers coming from glaciers are drying up. At the same time, the level of seas and oceans is rising, and lands near the coasts are being flooded. And this catastrophic phenomenon has a bad effect on the development of crops and people’s lives. That is, the melting of glaciers brings humanity face to face with the growth of global environmental problems.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the world community’s attention to solving global environmental problems has increased significantly. This phenomenon arises due to the fact that humanity is beginning to understand the problem of reducing supplies of clean air and water. This is confirmed by authoritative international organizations. Research shows an alarming picture of the state of natural resources and their prospects.
One of the global threats to human life is the reduction of water resources. The problem of water use in the world is becoming an important factor affecting the economy and socialization, as well as ensuring regional and national security. The volume of water consumption has also increased following the increase in population on planet Earth. However, water resources are being reduced more and more.
“Worldwide water consumption, including in industry, has been growing rapidly over the past more than 100 years. According to the United Nations, about 700 million people in 43 countries around the world live in conditions of fresh water scarcity.
According to scientists, by 2025, up to 3 billion people will be left without drinking and household water unless emergency measures are taken. Around the period from 2035 to 2045, the volume of clean water consumed will be equal to its reserves. According to documents, only 2.5% of the available water in the earth is fresh and potable.
Lack of clean water can lead to serious social problems related to human health. According to the World Bank, 88% of diseases in the world are associated with poor drinking water quality and lack of water for purification.
Also Read: New Book on Xi’s Water Management Strategies
Human history is evidence that water shortages lead to armed conflicts between states. Over the past decade, similar conflicts have occurred in 46 countries with a population of 2.7 billion people, and there is a serious threat of political instability in 56 countries with a population of 1.2 billion people. Especially as the state of the environment deteriorates, the conflict between states in the regions of the Near and Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa will intensify.”
Limited water resources in river basins increase competition between countries. The likelihood of disagreements based on economic interests between neighboring states located at the sources and in the delta of rivers increases significantly. Under these conditions, the contradiction associated with water shortages takes on an international character, and the possible consequences of the struggle between states are very difficult to predict.
Today, the world community needs a modern policy regarding water and scientifically based ways and methods of solving its problems. In this context, water policy should be considered one of the main directions of government policy. It should be the main tool for ensuring the socio-economic development of the state and achieving national goals.
Today, an in-depth study of the issues of solving water problems, related fair policies in the Central Asian region, understanding its role and influence on modern geopolitical processes in the region are very relevant and important.
The purpose of presenting these points is to explain the content and essence of President Emomali on issues related to water and its effective and rational use, and their key goal, in our opinion, is to solve one of the main problems of humanity, that is, liberation from the water crisis.
In the era of globalization, the modern world is experiencing severe political, financial, economic, moral and cultural crises, and the turning point associated with clean water is one of the most important and complex of them.
As the President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon noted during his speech at the opening ceremony of the Second High-Level International Conference on the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018 – 2028” in June 2022 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan has suffered hundreds of millions of dollars from global warming. According to the Head of State, climate change and its consequences cause enormous damage to the economy of the republic, since Tajikistan is a mountainous state with a large number of glaciers.
As a result of this process, there has been an unprecedented increase in floods, glacier collapses, droughts and other natural disasters. Over the past few decades, more than a thousand glaciers have melted in Tajikistan, and the largest glacier in the world on land, Fedchenko, located in our country, has shrunk by 16 cubic kilometers in volume and 45 square kilometers in area. In this regard, the Government of Tajikistan adopted the State Program for the Study and Conservation of Glaciers for the period until 2030. In order to monitor these processes and take measures to adapt them, the government of Tajikistan created the Center for the Study of Glaciers at the National Academy of Sciences. It is worth noting that the area of glaciers makes up eight percent of the country’s territory.
Therefore, the next international initiative of the Leader of the Nation to preserve glaciers in the world is a logical continuation of initiatives related to the conservation of water resources in the world. At the initiative of the respected Emomali Rahmon, the United Nations declared 2003 the International Year of Freshwater, 2005-2015 the International Decade “Water for Life”, 2013 the International Year of Cooperation in the Field of Water, 2018-2028 the International Decade “Water for Sustainable Development”, whose goal is to improve water use and ensure equity in access to drinking water globally, including in Central Asia. Tajikistan’s international initiatives, supported by the UN and countries around the world, have helped solve water problems both globally and in individual countries.
In this regard, holding a constructive dialogue on the topic of water, developing water diplomacy, new initiatives related to water resources, such as the declaration of “2025 – the International Year of Glacier Protection”, can create conditions for long-term cooperation between countries in the field of water resources use and avoid conflicts related to this problem in the future.
This Resolution highlights the importance of glaciers to human development prospects and the serious impact of their rapid melting on climate, the environment, human health and sustainable development.
It should be noted that for the first time in 2009, at a meeting of the parties on climate change in Denmark, as well as at high-level meetings in France, Switzerland, America, and then in March 2021, during the first meeting of the leaders of the Water-Climate Coalition, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, dear Emomali Rakhmon emphasized that the rapid melting of glaciers, along with excessive water consumption, which is associated with population growth and economic development, has a disappointing outcome.
It was emphasized that the consequences of global warming and the reduction of glaciers, especially in mountainous areas, lead to tragic phenomena at the geopolitical, geocultural and geostrategic levels of the modern world.
That is why the new creative initiative of President Emomali Rahmon to declare “2025 the International Year of Glacier Preservation” and on March 21 of each year to celebrate the “International Glacier Preservation Day”, as well as the creation of a “Special International Glacier Preservation Fund” aimed at saving humanity, should be is fully supported and is the path to a bright future for the Earth and humanity.
In conclusion, let us recall that Tajikistan, led by the respected Emomali Rahmon, has established itself as a world-class political initiator and at the same time responsible, creating conditions for uniting the efforts of all stakeholders, especially political leaders of the world, in adopting and implementing measures to ensure sustainable governance water resources, glacier protection.
Thanks to world-class initiatives and the special merits of the respected Emomali Rahmon, today Tajikistan is known as the most important and key player in the world in solving global problems at the global and regional levels.
Professor Rustam Haidarzoda is the Director of the Institute for the Study of Problems of Asian and European Countries at the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.
With increasing globalization, states are increasingly faced with foreign interference and pressure in their domestic and foreign policies. Today, most states are “officially” sovereign and face serious pressure from other states, military blocs, political and international organizations.
With the development of globalization processes, the sphere of action of states is narrowing. In foreign policy, it is almost impossible to create interstate relations without the participation of third countries and international organizations. It is impossible to imagine a conflict between two states without the intervention of a third party. Domestic policy issues go beyond the domestic framework and are taken to the international level.
The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan is a critical document that establishes the legal and political framework of the country. Adopted on November 6, 1994, it serves as the supreme law, guiding the government’s structure, the division of powers, and the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Tajikistan. The Constitution embodies the principles of democracy, rule of law, social justice, and human rights, which are essential to the country's governance and its citizens' well-being.
Key Significance of the Constitution of Tajikistan:
1. Foundation of State Sovereignty and Independence: The Constitution officially declares Tajikistan as an independent and sovereign state, setting it apart from its past as part of the Soviet Union. This sovereignty is key to the country's identity and allows it to exercise independent domestic and foreign policy.
2. Separation of Powers: The Constitution outlines a government structure based on the principle of separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. This system is intended to provide checks and balances that prevent abuse of power and ensure a fair and just governance.
3. Guarantee of Human Rights and Freedoms: Tajikistan's Constitution guarantees various civil liberties and rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to personal security. These rights are protected to promote individual dignity and provide citizens with fundamental freedoms, though challenges in the application of these rights remain.
4. Establishment of the Rule of Law: As the supreme law, the Constitution enforces the rule of law, meaning that all laws, policies, and governmental actions must align with its principles. This ensures that the government operates within legal boundaries and aims to promote fairness in its interactions with citizens.
5. Stability and Development: The Constitution provides a framework for the country’s long-term political stability and social development. By establishing norms for political participation and governance, it contributes to a stable environment, which is crucial for economic growth and social cohesion.
6. National Unity and Cultural Identity: Emphasizing Tajikistan’s unique cultural heritage, the Constitution also aims to promote national unity and respect for the country's diverse ethnic groups. This commitment to cultural identity plays a significant role in fostering national pride and unity among citizens.
7. Guidance for Amendments and Reforms: The Constitution of Tajikistan includes provisions for its own amendment, allowing it to adapt to changing political, social, and economic conditions. This adaptability is essential for the country’s growth and modernization while remaining aligned with its foundational principles.
Overall, the Constitution of Tajikistan is a vital document that not only defines the structure and functions of government but also sets the vision for the country’s future. It serves as a cornerstone for Tajikistan’s sovereignty, stability, and commitment to upholding the rights and welfare of its people.
Additional Points on the Significance of the Constitution of Tajikistan
1. Framework for Democratic Governance:
Although Tajikistan is a presidential republic, the Constitution establishes a democratic system where leaders are elected, and citizens have the right to participate in government through voting. It outlines the procedures for presidential, parliamentary, and local elections, ensuring that citizens have a voice in the government’s composition. This democratic framework, though with some limitations, plays a key role in fostering civic engagement and political participation.
2. Protection of Social and Economic Rights:
Beyond civil liberties, the Constitution recognizes and safeguards social and economic rights. These include rights to work, social security, education, and healthcare. By addressing these fundamental needs, the Constitution emphasizes the government’s responsibility to protect the well-being and prosperity of its citizens, ensuring a foundation for social stability.
3. Environmental Protection and Resource Management:
The Constitution emphasizes the protection of the natural environment, which is especially relevant for Tajikistan, given its mountainous terrain and reliance on agriculture and hydropower. Article 13 of the Constitution specifically states that natural resources are the property of the state, and their use should consider environmental sustainability. This focus on environmental stewardship aims to protect resources for future generations while addressing current needs.
4. Religious Freedom and Secularism:
Tajikistan's Constitution establishes the country as a secular state, ensuring a separation between religion and government. While it acknowledges the role of Islam and other religions in society, it prohibits the state from enforcing or endorsing any specific religion. This provision helps maintain religious tolerance and freedom, creating a framework for peaceful coexistence among various religious groups.
5. Gender Equality and Women’s Rights:
The Constitution upholds principles of gender equality, ensuring that men and women are equal before the law. It provides a legal foundation to promote women’s rights and counteract discrimination. Although challenges remain in achieving full gender equality, the constitutional commitment to this principle is crucial for promoting women's participation in social, economic, and political life.
6. Guiding Role in Legal System and Judiciary:
The Constitution serves as the cornerstone of Tajikistan’s legal system. It provides the foundation for the development of laws, codes, and regulations governing the judiciary. Judges are expected to interpret and apply laws based on the Constitution’s principles, aiming to ensure fairness and consistency in judicial rulings. The constitutional emphasis on judicial independence is crucial for upholding justice and protecting citizens' rights against potential abuses of power.
7. National Security and Territorial Integrity:
The Constitution asserts Tajikistan’s commitment to preserving its national security and territorial integrity. It emphasizes the role of the state in protecting the nation from external threats and maintaining internal order. In a region with a complex political landscape, this focus on security is vital for Tajikistan’s sovereignty and stability.
8. Foreign Policy and International Cooperation:
The Constitution allows Tajikistan to pursue a peaceful and cooperative foreign policy. It emphasizes respect for international law and treaties, which is important for the country’s diplomatic relations and its integration into the global community. Tajikistan’s Constitution also provides a legal basis for cooperation with international organizations on issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and security.
Amendments and Constitutional Reform
The Constitution of Tajikistan has undergone several amendments since its adoption. These amendments are designed to reflect the changing political, social, and economic context. For example, amendments have been made regarding presidential term limits and the role of political parties. The ability to amend the Constitution allows Tajikistan to adapt to new challenges while preserving core principles.
In summary, the Constitution of Tajikistan is foundational to the country’s identity, sovereignty, and governance. It provides a comprehensive legal and political framework that protects citizens’ rights, supports economic and social development, and promotes democratic values. While challenges remain in fully implementing some of its principles, the Constitution serves as a crucial guide for Tajikistan’s ongoing development as an independent and stable nation.
Thus, the process of globalization affects the sovereignty of the state in both domestic and foreign policy and causes significant changes in the development of the state. In the context of globalization, the issue of possible restrictions on state sovereignty becomes relevant for Tajikistan, which is actively involved in the process of shaping foreign policy and the national economy. In modern conditions, with the increasing influence of factors influencing politics, economics, social life and the ideology of society, the importance of independence for the preservation of language, historical memory, national identity and national culture is extremely important, and the future of the nation and the very existence of the Tajik state can only be stable under political independence.
At the same time, one of the main factors in protecting independence is understanding its significance, studying the historical path traversed by the Tajik people to achieve independence, teaching children and youth the great cultural, literary and scientific heritage of the Tajik people to form national self-knowledge and a sense of patriotism.
As the Founder of peace and national unity-Leader of the nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, His Excellency Emomali Rahmon noted: “In the context of globalization, expanding geopolitical competition, escalation of dangerous manifestations of extremism and terrorism, and other global problems, a thorough study of philosophical, legal, social, political, moral and spiritual views is the need of the time. The study of the material and intangible culture of a nation should be a priority area of scientific research.”
Therefore, we must unite around the Leader of the Nation and act together to develop national statehood and protect independence.
Saidzoda Halim Aziz - Head of the Department of Foreign languages of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Doctor of philology, professor
«Our political goal is to build a democratic and law-based state. Here, the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, as the supreme document of the nation and a stable pillar of peace and unity, will be our eternal guide», said the honorable President of our country, Emomali Rahmon.
One of the great achievements of the period of independence of the Republic of Tajikistan is the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, which took place in 1994.
Now, in the Constitution as well as changes in society, there have been radical changes. Of course, the reason for this great historical event was the need of the times, the progress of society and the independence of our dear country Tajikistan.
Thanks to the adoption of the Constitution of Tajikistan as a full-fledged subject of international relations, the people of Tajikistan were recognized as a constructive, peace-loving and cultured people. This sacred and fateful document, like a burning lamp, will illuminate the way of development of the independent state of Tajiks and its people for centuries.
Thanks to the 16th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Tajikistan, preparation and adoption of the Constitution of the new era took place. As a result, on November 6, 1994, this constitution was accepted by the majority of people through a national referendum, and this historical day was established as the day of the Constitution in Tajikistan.
The Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan consists of a preamble, 10 chapters and not 100 articles. The Constitution is the most important and reliable document of the destiny of every nation.
The Constitution was able to express the interests of the Tajik people, reflect the interests of the workers, and represent Tajiks on the world stage. The Constitution played an important role in achieving peace, harmony and complete unity of the Tajiks. This fateful document was named by international experts among the five best and most popular Constitutions of the member states of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
In conclusion, it is a matter of pride that the Constitution of the country became the support and guide of the Tajik people. The duty of every citizen of the republic is to respect the Constitution.
Of course, the role of the President of the country, Emomali Rahmon, is extremely important in the development and preparation of the Constitution of the period of independence of Tajikistan. So, the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan turns 29 years old, and people proudly celebrate November 6 as the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan every year.
As the honorable leader of the nation, Emomali Rahmon, emphasized: “Our constitution is like a guiding light that guides the society to a good future. It is the axis that unites all the creative forces of the country in the spirit of respect for the law.”
Nurullozoda Hangomai Mirzosharif – doctoral student, PhD, Department of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography namedA. Donish National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. Address: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe;
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Presidents of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
(Академияи илмҳои ҶШС Тоҷикистон 1951-1991, Академияи илмҳои Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон 1991-2020)

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