Баҳри баланд бардоштани савияи донишҳои инноватсионӣ, барномасозӣ, истифода ва таҳлил намудани маҳзанҳои чаҳонӣ дар самти таҳқиқоти астрономия ва астрофизика аз олимони Институти астрофизикаи АМИТ дар семинари бонуфузи ҷаҳониии Кумитаи таҳқиқотии кайҳон COSPAR -2024, ки аз 19 то 31 августи соли 2024 дар вилояти Самарқанди Ҷумҳурии Узбекистон баргузор мегардад, даъват ба амал оварданд.
Чорабинии байналмилали дар Институти физикаи мухандисии Донишгоҳи давлатии Самарқанд баргузор гардида истодааст. Ҳадафи асосии семинари бонуфуз ин баланд бардоштани иқтидори донишҳои захиравӣ ва истифодаи илмии маълумотҳои кайҳон бо мақсадҳои сулҳ аз ҷониби олимони кишварҳои рӯ ба тараққӣ дошта мебошад.
Боиси ифтихор аст, ки олимони Тоҷикистон дар чунин чорабинии аз ҷихати стратегӣ муҳим иштирок доранд, ин бо дастгирии Президенти Академияи миллии илмҳои Тоҷикистон узви вобастаи АМИТ, профессор Кобилҷон Хушвахтзода ва олими варзидаи астрофизики тоҷик узви вобастаи АМИТ, профессор Қоҳирова Г.И. амалӣ гардид. Дар семинари байналмилалӣ зиёда аз 10 нафар олимон аз ИМА, Фаронса, Ҳиндустон, Швейтсария ва Испания бо маърӯзаҳои худ иштирок мекунанд.
Дар доираи барномаи семинар, лексияҳо ва дарсҳои амалӣ аз ҷониби профессорони марказҳои илмии пешрафтаи ҷаҳон: Нат Гопалсвами, Сейҷи Яширо, Пертти Макела - аз ташкилоти Идоракунии миллӣ оид ба аэронавтика ва тадқиқоти кайҳонии ИМА, Нандита Сривастава, Катираван Чидамбарам, Вагиш Мишра - Институти астрофизикаи Ҳиндустон, Кристиан Монштейн - Институти таҳқиқоти офтоб, Швейтсария, Хавьер Буссонс Гордо - Донишгоҳи Алкала, Испания гузаронида мешаванд.
Дар корҳои амалии семинар масъалаи муҳими Офтобу Замин оид ба обу ҳавои кайҳонӣ, яъне мавҷхои зарбазанӣ, ки дар натиҷаи аз Офтоб баромадани массаи короналӣ ба амал меоянд, дида баромада мешаванд. Муҳим он аст, ки мо ин таркишҳои массаи тоҷҳоро меомӯзем, зеро онҳо дар муҳити кайҳонии Замин халалдор мешаванд, ба монанди партовҳои зарраҳо ва тӯфонҳои геомагнитӣ, ки ба инсоният таъсири манфӣ мерасонад. Боз дар ин раванд маълумотҳои тадқиқоти кайҳониро таҳлил менамоем ва муқоисаи онҳоро бо маҳзанҳои чаҳонии SOHO, STEREO, SDO, WIND, AND GROUND-BASED RADIO DATA ифода месозем. Бояд қайд намуд, ки олимон аз маълумотҳо ва барномахои Спектрометри эмиссияи радиои офтобии e-Callisto, ки як қисми шабакаи байналмилалии спектрометрҳо мебошад ва дар доираи барномаҳои гелиофизикӣ фаъолият менамоянд, омухта истодаанд. Ин аз он шаҳодат медиҳад, ки маълумотҳои зарурӣ барои омӯзиши физикаи Офтоб дар Институти астрофизикаи АМИТ дар оянда асос мегузорад.
- 12 Mar 25
- 21 Feb 25
Наворҳои видеоӣ
At the session, the first to take the oath was the Chairman of the city of Dushanbe, honourable Rustam Emomali, followed by other deputies in order of the number of electoral districts.
At the session, the first to take the oath was the Chairman of the city of Dushanbe, honourable Rustam Emomali, followed by other deputies in order of the number of electoral districts.
In order to honor national traditions, revive ancient customs and rituals of the Tajik people, an amendment was made to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Holidays", according to which the Tirgon Holiday will be celebrated annually on July 1.
In order to honor national traditions, revive ancient customs and rituals of the Tajik people, an amendment was made to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Holidays", according to which the Tirgon Holiday will be celebrated annually on July 1.
Regional Centre for CBRN Safety and Security Receives International Accreditation and Status as Regional Centre for Central Asian Countries
On 23 January 2025, at the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria, a ceremony was held to present the International Accreditation Certificate confirming the Regional Centre for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Safety and Security high level of compliance with IAEA standards. On the basis of this accreditation, the Centre was officially granted the status of a Regional Centre for the countries of Central Asia.
More detail: https://www.cbrn.tj/lang_en/view_news.php?id=1149
Mihrab of Asht dated 10th C occupies special position among the exhibits of the National museum of antiquities of Tajikistan - one of a very few monuments of this type, which were preserved to the present. Carved clay Mihrab from Asht repeatedly attracted
Mihrab of Asht dated 10th C occupies special position among the exhibits of the National museum of antiquities of Tajikistan - one of a very few monuments of this type, which were preserved to the present. Carved clay Mihrab from Asht repeatedly attracted attention of researchers. In it, as in the artistic carving on the tree of the same time, wealth of ornamental motives is combined with the irreproachable accuracy of the construction of pattern.
(The upper part has a height of 8 cm, a width of 70 cm, and a depth of 30 cm. The lower part is a flat panel with a height of 107 cm, a width of 70 cm, and a thickness of 2–2.5 cm.)
In the State Complex "Kokhi Borbad" of Dushanbe city under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the nation, the Chairman of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan honourable Emomali Rahmon has begun the 15th Cong
In the State Complex "Kokhi Borbad" of Dushanbe city under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Leader of the nation, the Chairman of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan honourable Emomali Rahmon has begun the 15th Congress of the People's Democratic Party of Tajikistan, in which the Chairman of the Majlisi milli Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan, Chairman of the city of Dushanbe honourable Rustam Emomali is taking part.
On December 2 of this year, the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, member of the Academy of Sciences Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of this country.
During the meeting, the parties discussed the prospects for developing scientific research cooperation, expanding work in the direction of developing the exact sciences, training high-level scientific personnel in both countries. For the further development of scientific work between the two countries, including the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and Japanese scientific institutions, connecting science with production, creating conditions for the work of scientists and researchers of both countries to gain work experience among researchers, scientists, master's and doctoral students and in general for the development of scientific and practical relations, the parties agreed on relevant decisions.
The state of Japan is one of the most advanced countries in terms of production of modern technology and occupies a prominent place in the world. Without modern technologies it is impossible to carry out scientific research work. The purpose of the meeting of the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, member of the Academy Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht with the above-mentioned official of Japan is to facilitate the work in scientific institutions for young scientists and researchers.
It is worth noting that in the future, master's and doctoral students will be able to visit Japan to improve their research work, conduct research work in good working conditions and achieve the desired results.
It was also emphasized during the meeting that Japanese researchers can also come to the Republic of Tajikistan and conduct their research work in good conditions of research institutions prepared by the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan and achieve the desired results.
On December 2 this year, on the sidelines of a business trip to Tokyo, Japan, the president of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, associate member of NANT Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht met with the vice president of the Japanese Agency for Science and Technology (JST) Shigeo Morimoto.
During the meeting, the president of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, associate member of NANT Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht expressed his gratitude to the vice president of the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Shigeo Morimoto for accepting and discussing the existing issues related to scientific cooperation.
At the same time, it was emphasized that the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) is one of the main organizations in Japan and promotes scientific research, technological development and international cooperation. This agency plays an important role in supporting scientific initiatives and educational programs in the Republic of Tajikistan, regularly solving global and regional problems.
During the meeting, the parties discussed the active participation of the Agency in the implementation of the SATREPS (Scientific Research and Technology Partnership for Sustainable Development) program, which helps to solve the problems of sustainable development through joint research.
Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) implements the development of technologies for effective management of water resources, including irrigation and soil erosion prevention. It should be said that within the framework of the climate change and ecology project, the Agency is conducting research on the impact of climate change on the glaciers and water systems of Central Asia, which are of key importance for the region.
At the same time, it was emphasized that this Agency supports academic exchange between Japanese and Tajik universities through scholarships and grants for Tajik researchers who want to study in Japan, as well as the training of young scientists in the fields of engineering, ecology, biotechnology and natural resource management.
In this regard, we intend to further strengthen cooperation with you for the transfer of innovative technologies. In this regard, we hope that the Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) will facilitate the transfer of Japanese technologies and their implementation in Tajikistan.
It is also necessary, that our specialists and scientists implement joint projects related to the adaptation of Japanese technology to local conditions, for example, in the field of seismology and hydropower.
Regarding seismology and disaster risk management, Tajikistan is located in a region of high seismic activity, which makes the projects of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) in the field of seismology important.
In this regard, we propose to establish cooperation through the Institute of Geology, Earthquake-Resistant Construction and Seismology of the National Academy of Sciences in the development of earthquake monitoring and early warning systems, as well as the training of Tajik specialists in the methods of risk assessment and prevention of the consequences of natural disasters.
In this context, the Agency of Science and Technology of Japan plays an important role in the development of science of the Republic of Tajikistan by providing access to research and advanced technologies.
Thanks to the cooperation with the Japanese Science and Technology Agency, the Republic of Tajikistan is strengthening its scientific capacity and solving the main problems of sustainable development and environmental security.
On December 2, the president of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, associate member of the Academy of Sciences, Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht, on the sidelines of a business trip to Japan, met with representatives of the SATREPS program and the JDS project in order to establish scientific research cooperation.
It should be point, that the SATREPS program and the JDS project operate under the framework of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). The SATREPS program promotes collaborative international research aimed at solving global issues as an aspect of "science and technology diplomacy".
During the meeting, it was emphasized that today the attention of the international community is focused on the goals of sustainable development, which shows the increasing complexity of global issues such as climate change, food problems, natural disasters and infectious diseases. Developing countries, which are most vulnerable to their effects, are in a difficult situation.
Of course, in order to solve these issues, scientific and technological innovations, the application of research results in society, the development of human resources, and the increase of scientific and research capacity at the national border are necessary. It should be noted that the Human Resources Development Scholarship (JDS) Project is aimed at supporting the development of human resources in the recipient countries of Japan's grant aid.
Also, the JDS Project offers master's and doctoral courses in Japanese universities in English. Also, through the JDS project, they have a special opportunity to learn advanced knowledge directly in a technological environment and at the same time build wide human networks.
In the continuation of the meeting, the president of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, associate member of the Academy of Sciences, Khushvakhtzoda Kobiljon Khushvakht and representatives of the SATREPS program agreed to continue their cooperation in the areas of research on water resources and climate change, studying the impact of melting glaciers on water resources, joint research of Japanese scientists and Tajik to protect the water systems of the region, seismic safety and infrastructure, development of earthquake-resistant construction technology, monitoring of tectonic activity in the Pamir Mountains, technical support in the field of energy, as well as research on improving the efficiency of hydroelectric power plants and introducing renewable energy sources strengthen